Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Survival Day Of The Mortified Clan!

Today was my very first swimming class ever!

As you all may have previously read, I think I have put into words just how much FEAR of water I have and so this is something really big for me. The simple fact that I one, even contemplated signing up for classes was a huge step, but actually showing up for class was even bigger!

I showed up about 20 minutes before the class was set to begin, which is normal, I hate being late to anything, plus I had to sit down and convince myself some more that I was ready to go through with this.

Patty showed up next almost determined to turn around and leave because there were so many people out and around the pool. You see this is the start to a new session of swimming classes and the pools run I guess about 4-5 sessions in the evenings so of course, all the masses amounted to parents and other random people waiting on their kiddos to finish their swimming lessons. I assured Patty that most of the people would leave, which did happen, thank goodness. I personally did not need a big spectator crowd gawking at the fool I was about to make of myself.

Liz showed up next and then came Erica. By this time, it was time to line up for roll call. Real quick before we headed to what I was sure to be my death, I had Rebecca take a picture of us pre-first day swimming adventure!

Besides Patty, Liz, Erica and myself, there were 3 other brave souls taking the class. And I don't so much mean brave, because I have no clue where they stand with "water issues," I was more concerned about about us scaring them to death. Just the fact that they were going to be in a class with us, though they don't know us, was enough to point out.

We met our instructor, Vanessa, who quickly began class by telling us to get into the pool. She did teach us a trick on how to get in the easy way, but left it up to us on how to get in, the best way we felt comfortable. I decided I'd just "jump" in. How hard can that be, right? Well, I will say, it was scary. We were in the 4ft end of the pool.

So what? Well, hello, I'm barely 5ft something. That only gives me 1ft "breathing" space. Anyways, I was in the water and ready to go, or so I thought.

The next thing the instructor asked us to do was for everyone to just put their face in the water to see where we all stood. It seems that everyone except Liz did it "comfortably." Then she said she wanted to see all of us float.

Well, I am not like the Stephen King movie, "It," and unlike his famous line, "They all float," I sure as heck don't, or didn't think I could. She said she would try and make it easier for us and almost literally hold our hands while we attempted it.

Well, I must say I surprised myself. She had me clasp my hands and put them in her palms and just put my face in the water and float along the pool. When I reached my last breath and came up for air, that's when I panicked but then I realized how far I had come. Vanessa swears I moved all by myself. I was so proud.

The rest of the class we basically spent trying to do this number over and over and over and over again. Sometimes I had better luck than others. I really have to work on getting myself back on my feet without panicking so much. If I can get this down, I think I can move on to the next step.

The class was a lot of fun. We laughed a whole heck of a lot - at ourselves and everyone else. The instructor has the best attitude ever!

I think above all my fears combined, I'll be back for day 2 and of course keep you all well informed!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was being Patty's buddy!

The edge of the pool is definitely Liz's "comfort zone."

Patty being my buddy!

I have no idea what we were laughing at!

Something was FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!

I promise we are good students, we just had to pose for a sec!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl!!!