Monday, July 13, 2009

Boogie Boards & No Movement!!!!

Today's swimming class was particularly awesome.

You see, contrary to what others around me may believe, I was not on any drugs, just my normal "high!" All day I was on this laugh my head off mood.....anything and everything just about made me crack up.

I must admit that after the weekend I had, I needed that!!!!!!!

Anyways, on top of that, I swear people, the water in the pool has something other than chlorine in it - the moment we step foot inside, it's like someone has given us a pill and ordered us to start laughing and well, that I did!

Vanessa, our instructor, had an awesome idea to help us out with our swimming. She brought out the bright and colorful boogie boards.

I immediately grabbed one in hopes that maybe this would set me back on track with this whole "swimming deal." Well, let me tell you that it did. I was able to barely hold on to that thing and float without the fear that had somehow overcome me at the end of last week. I was so happy but then the unexpected occurred.

I seriously was ONLY FLOATING!!!!!! Yes, you read right...this woman was going nowhere in that pool!!!! I tried everything to move, from pointing my fingers in a ballerina position, to unlocking my knees, to moving my entire legs in hopes of getting me past point A and nothing, absolutely nothing!

I spent all class trying to move and moved barely inches. I will say that I had a good time trying and trying and trying.

Maybe tomorrow will be better, I do only have 3 more days to master this down!

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