Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!!!!

Went out to Addison last night for Kaboom Town. It was my first time ever, so I didn't know what to expect. All I wanted was to see a good fireworks show.

Liz, Rebecca, Sydney & I started off the night with dinner at Cantina Laredo. I must say that getting there first was something else. Traffic was horrible just trying to get there.

And we thought that was our big problem. We got to the restaurant and it was a madhouse in there. We were told it would be about a 45-hour wait. I think by the time we got seated, it was well over an hour. Didn't bother me a bit, I must admit, though I was hungrier than hades when I finally got to eat.

We finished dinner just in time to go outside to catch up with Erica and Hector to watch the fireworks.

Addison & Kaboom Town did not disappoint me!!!!

Happy 4th of July! Here is to the greatest country anyone can live in.

God Bless America!

Sydney was being real patient and somewhat behaving considering the wait!

Rebecca & Liz.....waiting!

The decorative jalapenos on the tree were starting to look yummy by this point!

The grand finale!!!!!!

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