Monday, July 27, 2009

Rod Stewart - One Rockin' Night!

If you all have been keeping up with me, you have probably noticed that I have been hitting up the concerts this year like a mad woman....kind of my own version of the Today's show "Summer Concert Series," type deal.

Last night was not the exception, just the continuation of the great concerts that I have been lucky to go to this year. The only thing I did a bit different that I had never done before, EVER, was to go to a concert all by myself. Yeah, you are reading right people, I went on a date with none other than ME, MYSELF, & I!!!!!

I will admit I was scared to death...not too much worried about being at a concert by myself....I eat a lot by myself so have gotten used to the "stares" of people I'm sure saying to themselves, "poor girl, can't even get someone to go to lunch with her!" I was more worried about driving out to Grand Prairie on my own and getting lost either on the way to or from the concert!

In preparation of "anything" happening and also because I was picking up my single ticket at "Will Call," I left the house at 5:30 pm (concert started at 7:30). If you live in Dallas, or know about the traffic in Dallas, you know very well that I-30, doesn't matter which direction, if almost always bad with traffic, well, my drive through there yesterday was NOT the exception. Right as I got near downtown, the traffic came to a complete halt. I was stuck in the mess for about 15 minutes before I reached the mess, which was an accident. The worse part was that the scene was all wrapped up, but leave it to the gawking motorist to make it all that much worse.

I finally made it through and before I knew it, I had arrived at my destination, Nokia!!!! I paid for general parking ($15) which was the cost of my ticket...yeah for great deals, and off I went to pick the best spot that would get me out of there without too much trouble. Getting my ticket was a piece of cake, too...I was done in about 3 minutes.

I headed into the "theatre," and there was hardly anyone there, but then again, I was must have been around 6:45 or so. I found my little the far right on the last seat by the wall and plopped my little self there. I would stay there for the remainder of the night until the concert was over.

7:30 rolled around and the opening group came on stage. I didn't get their name, but they were four guys from Australia. They were really good considering they are just starting out. They had a really good sense of humor too and of course their accent was just to die for...very Aussie-like! :)

The band must have played for about an hour and then it was on to the main show. It took about 15 minutes to clear the stage of all their instruments and equipment. The carpet was rolled up and nothing but bare floor with a symbol was left on the floor.

After a few more brief minutes, the screens that were put up, started displaying a cartoon-like image of Rod Stewart and then the music and then the man!

I'll be brief but hope to convey just what an awesome concert he put on....the best part of all of it too was that instead of having a 15-minute break, loosing the mood and then coming back, Rod Stewart opted to have his back-up singers do a Tina Turner song and then he came back with more songs.

The concert wrapped up around 11 pm. I must say that for going for the first time alone to a concert, this was the best - I had a lot of fun, even the couple sitting beside me pointed it out (they were a tad older). The gentleman commented on how he couldn't believe being I was so young (thank you, thank you!), I knew every song and seemed to have a better time even than the two of them.

If anyone has a chance to go see this man in concert, I would recommend it hands'd be in for a very fun night. Below you'll find some pictures of the awesome evening and some video of 3 of my favorite songs from Mr. Stewart himself.


Back here AGAIN just after a little over 1 week!!!!

"My $15 great economical saving!!!!"

"One of the members of the Australian band."

"The other member!"

The stage after the band left.

The stage right before Rod Stewart came out.

The mini-cartoon!

The robots!

Rod Stewart - The Cartoon!


Here he comes!!!!

The man himself....Rod Stewart!!!

She was awesome!

Here, he was singing the song, "The First Cut is the Deepest"

Another outfit!

He's a big Celtic Football fan!

And another outfit!

He must have thrown out about 30 soccer balls to the crowd!

Being that he was in Texas, had to bust out with the cowboy hat!

He left the stage as if the concert was over........

But, of course he came back and did one more song...Maggie May!

"Forever Young"

"Downtown Train"

"Have I Told You Lately That I Love You."

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