Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hanging Out With The Ladies At Gloria's!

Ms. Michelle, Ms. Melissa, Liz & I headed over to Gloria's this afternoon for an early dinner and to just hang out.

We had planned this a couple of weeks back to celebrate certain happenings (that I won't disclose for fear of retribution, just kidding!), and had to reschedule it because of other conflicts at the time.

We finally made it to today and promptly left our respective offices at 5 p.m. and headed towards the restaurant.

Neither of us were that hungry so we opted to split this dish, "Nacho Grandisimo," and queso. The platter consisted of triangle toasted corn tortillas with melted cheese and chicken and beef fajitas. It was so yummy delicious.

"The ladies" decided they'd have some "mojitos," I have no clue what this is made of, but it's an alcoholic drink - I had my coke - LIKE ALWAYS! No one seriously wants to ever be around to see me on alcohol - that's why I'll never go that route! :) I'll keep it simple and leave the "unknown" as the "UNKNOWN!" I'm already crazy-silly without alcohol!

An observation of their drinking habits - Ms. Michelle enjoys her drink, slowly sipping away. Liz goes at a faster pace but with caution and well Ms. Melissa - that woman seemed like she was being chased or chasing the next drink. She zipped those mojitos pretty darn fast.

Nothing to do with the alcohol, but we just died laughing and giving her a hard time because she accidentally spilled her water - which I noticed they bring out with every alcoholic drink (maybe to help with the intoxication?). The poor waiters had to come and clean up the watery mess.

I can't speak for the rest, but I had a pretty darn good time - maybe we'll get to making this a tradition - there is never a reason needed to hang out and have a good dinner with good friends/co-workers.

Mojito #1: Plain mojito? Ms. Michelle and Liz had this one, then Liz opted for what Ms. Melissa had!!!!! Check out the next picture!

Mojito #2: I have to say this one looks prettier - it supposedly taste better too. I'll take their word for it! This is a Raspberry Mojito.

This is what we split - Nacho Grandisimo (meaning big) was yummy in our tummies!!!!!

Ms. Michelle & Liz.

Ms. Melissa & I.

Las Senoritas Bonitas!!!!!!!

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