Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Swimming: Day 3

Okay today would prove to be a "see if you can make it to class on time day." I had to go from point A (work) to point B (daycare) to point C (pool) in a matter of like 45 minutes.

Piece of cake you might be saying....not so...we are talking about me and driving as slow as a turtle.

I was really pushing it and had to ask Sydney on the way to the pool to volunteer to undress herself and dress herself again while I was driving. I know, not the best idea, but I had no other choice.

I was so proud of her...she even got the bathing suit on the right way on the first try.

Okay, on to her swimming lesson. She did good today as well. The only problem today was that she realized that Frank & I were there so at first she kept trying to wave at us and kept telling the instructor we were out by the fence - or pointed towards us anyway.

She looks very comfortable in the water - is having no problem putting her head under.

Today for some reason it seemed like class only lasted about 15 minutes even though it was longer.

As always, below are some pictures of today's class!

Day 3: Waiting to get in!

And waiting! I don't know where she learned to put the towel on this way on her shoulder - she did it all on her own!

Finally in and listening to the instructions for the day's lesson!

Okay, here we go into the pool!

Back into the sync of things!

She'll have it down in no time!

Today she was the 2nd one out of the pool and she got out with no problems!

I'm sure she feels like classes don't last long enough!

I'm good people!

Remember that face, she might be the next Michael Phelps!!!!


SIDE NOTE: I've gotten so inspired watching Sydney and well, I have finally decided to conquer my fear of water that I've signed up for swimming lessons. Yes, people, this woman is determined to make her body float - if they can get me to do that, the rest should be a piece of cake - at least I hope so!!!!!!!

I start classes on July 6th, so I should have plenty of time to gather my nerves and get prepared mentally. I will keep you all posted, of course there will probably NOT be any pictures of me making a fool of myself as I plan to invite NO ONE to this party!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl!!!