Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 4 & the Swimming Continues......

We woke up today to a torrential downpour. It rained all night the night before and the rain continued coming down this morning and didn't cease until around noon.

We managed to make swimming lessons yesterday but for a while there, it didn't seem like today would be as lucky.

Sydney & I arrived at the pool with like 5 minutes to spare this afternoon. When 5:15 neared, we got informed by the pool supervisor that because they had heard thunder minutes before, class would not get started until 5:30.

The key was this, if no more thunder was heard, we would start class at 5:30 and only go through our normal 5:45 time. If thunder was heard, class would be cancelled all together and would be made up next Friday.

With nothing else to do but wait, I asked Sydney to give me her beach towel so we could sit on it while we waited for 5:30 to roll around. As we sat by the fence, I noticed little things moving all around us and when I got a closer look, I realized that there were little itty baby frogs everywhere.....they were hoping all over the floor.

I pointed out the frogs to Sydney and of course she went wild. She doesn't tend to be scared or grossed out of most animals and she wasn't of the frogs, but I was just making such a big deal that she got all worked up.

I asked her if she wanted to see one and her response (as is to everything) was "Yeah!" I looked for a leaf to help me pick up the little frog ( just in case it decided to use the potty on me), and then went for the first one I could catch.

We sat back down on the floor and I showed the frog to Sydney. We got it to open it's mouth by poking it with another leaf and she thought that was so cool. Next thing we know the other kids realized what we were doing and gathered around.

Before we realized, 5:30 had rolled around and the supervisor came to the fence to start roll call for the classes. Sydney's name was called and she went in happy as ever. I don't think she quite realized that the class was delayed, so it didn't make much of a difference - her expression just showed she was ready to hit the water.

They started class with the usual "daily lesson." Then it was off to the pool. I guess because of the day's rain, the water was colder than normal. As soon as the instructors hit the pool followed by the students there were gasps everywhere - you could tell from their expression and what some were saying that the water was COLD!

Class was really short today, basically only 15 minutes. She didn't do any new stuff from what I could tell. Practiced a little bit with putting her head in the water and of course waddling through the pool.

If all goes well and the rain goes away, we should have a normal class tomorrow. On Sydney's way out, her instructor told me that tomorrow would be "safety class day."

Let's all cross our fingers that the rain stays away. Although we need it badly, we've gotten quite a bit in the last 2 days and could use a small break.

Sydney was not happy here. When I picked her up from daycare, she had her hair down and one of the requirements for swimming is that her hair be out of her face so I put a ponytail on her. She was not happy - as you can see!

She was fine like 2 seconds later!

Sydney looking at the newly discovered friends - the little bitty baby frogs that were everywhere!

This is how small the frogs matter how much I tried to focus in to take the picture, I couldn't get it to come out right! I guess it has a lot to with the camera too, maybe!

Sydney wasn't quite sure she wanted the frog that close to her!

I was trying to get the frog to kiss Sydney! She wasn't as scared as it seems - I'm sure if she could talk, she'd tell you how much fun it was!

Finally, after waiting for the class to start, the supervisor came out to begin roll call!

Enjoying her swimming class as she had been since day 1!

Though it did not rain that evening, this is what the clouds were up to that day during practice. It was the coolest yet eeriest thing ever....I'd never seen the clouds like this before!

I honestly have no clue what was going on here!

It wasn't until Thursday that Sydney realized that we were in attendance at her swimming classes. Here she was pointing at us - we had to step back and act like we didn't see her so that she could focus on her lesson again.

Getting more comfortable!

Getting ready to make her daily exit out of the pool! As you can see, only day 1 was it an issue!

Much better!

This is the one little problem that she can't quite get: no running!

She was a little cold today getting out of the pool!

Being silly with daddy!

Gotta love her!

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