Thursday, June 25, 2009

Surf & Swim!

Surf & Swim is celebrating its 25 year anniversary.

As a way to commemorate the event, they were charging the entry price from 1984. If you are 48 inches or shorter, you pay $2.50 and if you are taller, you would pay $3.50.

Ever since Sydney took her swimming classes, every day has been a non-stop request to go swimming. I figured what a better way to fulfill her request than by taking her out to the pool.

I requested to leave work at 3:00 so that we could catch the pool open at least until 7:00 p.m. which is when it would close. When we arrived, the staff were getting everyone out of the pool and for a moment I thought, oh no, our plans are ruined.

Not so, apparently they have some "safety" deals every so often and we just happened to arrive right as they were going to have another one. It's supposed to be to clean out the pools.

Anyways, we waited about 15 minutes and then everyone was allowed back in the pool. Thank goodness, because Sydney couldn't or shall I say wasn't willing and wouldn't sit still and wait another minute.

For those of you who have never been to Surf & Swim, according to the advertising for the pool, it's a half million gallon wave pool. Every, I don't know 15 minutes or so, when you hear the whistle blow, everyone goes a little crazy.

Now, there's a reason for the madness. You see when the whistle blows, that's when they magically create waves, like if you were in the ocean. It's actually pretty cool. Most everyone is sitting in innertubes that are provided for free by Surf & Swim and so from the looks of it, the waves make being in the inner tube much funner.

I couldn't tell you because obviously my little carcass ain't getting in one. If I don't have control of me and my body and can't put my feet on the ground unless I fall out of a plastic tire, tube, whatever, I am not doing it.

Anyways, we endured the toasty heat in the warm water. It wasn't a big ordeal like I thought it would be to get Sydney out of the water.

On the way back home, we stopped to get Sonic. This is when I realized I had a ton of missed calls from both Liz and Erica. I called Liz first and boy did she have some news to share with me and to her own surprise, she was actually giving me, "Ms. I Know What's Going On All the Time," news that I was unaware of since I had been in the pool all afternoon.

She goes on to tell me that it had just been announced that Michael Jackson died at the age of 50! This was definitely a shocker. I'm sure he'll be in the news for days, heck, months to come!

Anyways, here are some pictures of the fun at the pool!

The place where we spent our afternoon basking in the sun and waddling in the pool!

This sight was awful I'm sure for Sydney. For a moment, we all thought our fun would be spoiled. Not so peeps, we were in that warm water 15 minutes later!

Sydney was pouting here! Can't you tell? Come on! Nothing good can be up when she's got this expression on her face and those arms crossed that way!!!!! Trust me, I'm her mother!

Rebecca posing for the camera and ready to get in the water in her rainbow swim suit!

One last picture before we put away the camera and head towards the water! You can't tell by our happy smiles, but it was REALLY HOT!!!!

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