Monday, June 8, 2009

Sydney's First Swimming Lesson!

Today was Sydney's first ever swimming lesson. Erica told me about an Adaptive Aquatics class being offered through Parks & Recreation this year and I thought I'd give it a try and put Sydney in it.

The class started at 5:15. She waited outside the fence for her name to be called and off she went with Ms. Kristen to the pool.

Basically today's lesson would be about getting the kids acclimated to the water. Making sure they are as comfortable about it as possible.

Sydney seemed to be doing pretty good. She looked like a little dog for a while paddling in the water.

Before I knew it 5:45 rolled around and it was time to exit the pool. This is where the trouble would begin.

The instructors had all the kids make a single line down the side of the pool and head towards the exit. She was like the 3rd one out and once she stepped foot outside of the pool, she sat down and curled up in a ball. We have no idea what the instructors told Sydney but the next thing we knew, up she went on her feet and walked towards her towel and wrapped it around her.

I asked the instructor how she did when I met her at the gate and she said she was very responsive. Sydney acted better than I thought she would and got in the truck without screaming.

Tomorrow will be day 2!

Sydney wanting to dart into the pool. It wasn't quite 5:15 yet so she was asked to step out!

Daddy putting on suncreen to make sure Sydney doesn't get too sunburned.

Sydney & Momma! As nervous as I am about her and swimming lessons, since I'm mortified of the water, I know it will be for her own good. She'll learn what to do in a situation if she or anyone else is in danger.

Daddy & Sydney!

Let me in people, please! I want to be in that pool so bad!

Finally! Where's the water?

Sitting down to listen for instructions on what to do in class!

Getting ready to go in!

Now doesn't this look like a happy kid?!? :)

Ms. Kristen & Sydney looking for their feet!

Already like a pro...on her stomach!

Group activity. The instructors and kids sang "The Wheels on the Bus," while moving in a circle.

Okay, here we go..the tough part of the first day...getting her OUT of the pool!

Can you see the resistance? I don't want out...I'm not ready!

Typical pouting position. Sit on the floor, curl up in a ball and hide my face. Leave me alone people, I'm having a moment!

Next step, if they try to make me walk, I'll just hold my legs up and refuse to plant them on the floor! I swear she is terrible!

The supervisor and instructor said something to her and got her to do this! I think I'm gonna be okay, momma!

All wrapped up and ready to go home!

Walking to the truck. She was in the best attitude ever. I was shocked!!!!!!

After class, I spoke with Ms. Kristen, her instructor, and she said that Sydney was very responsive and that she did very well for her first day in class.

It looks like we are going to make it.

Oh, and one more thing, I'll make sure to bring an extra change of clothes. Heels and dressy clothes is NOT going to work for me while I sit there and wait! I'll just have to remember to get them before I leave work as I don't have time to go home afterwards!

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