Friday, June 19, 2009

Sweet & Sassy, Jonas Bros., Cowboys Stadium & So Much More!

Okay people, so you all know how I love to write so warning before you continue....there will be quite a bit of reading before you see pictures. You can always ignore my post and skip to the pictures, but I just thought I'd give you all a heads up.

So, backtrack to Wednesday, Liz, Melissa (her co-worker) and I are sitting at Gloria's eating lunch. Liz gets a missed call from Albert, who mind you rarely calls, so when he does, you know something is up. She hesitates to call him back but ends up doing so.

When the conversation is over, she reveals that Albert has invited Rebecca to go with them to the Jonas Bros. concert that will be on Saturday at the brand spanking new Cowboys Stadium - he apparently has an extra ticket and Angie can't decide who she wants to bring along.

Fast forward to Wednesday night......Liz apparently gets a call from Sweet & Sassy telling her some pretty cool news. Okay now back track again a couple of months - Rebecca and Liz are at this store, which is pretty much for little girls to get all glamored up, and Rebecca decides she wants a magnet bottle cap with her initial on it that costs $7.95...that would be dollars people....about 7 dollar burgers at Sonic!!!!!

While at this store, she fills out an entry form to win tickets to the Jonas Bros. concert that will be held later on in the summer (this is back then).

Okay, so do you get where I'm going with this? The call that Liz got was telling her that Rebecca had won a pair of tickets to this concert that all the little girls and some big girls too are ranting and raving about!

When Liz told me this, I was like you've got to be kidding me! Though I don't care for the Jonas Bros., they seem to be so cool and in right now, that just winning anything period, is the crap, much more tickets to this concert.

Liz tells me that she needs to be at Sweet & Sassy on Thursday evening (6/18) anywhere between 6 & 8 p.m. She kindly asks if I may be present to document with pictures the occasion.

Six o'clock rolls around and I'm racing from the other end of town towards the mall to get to the store on time. None of us really had a clue about what was going to happen - all we knew was that they were going to surprise Rebecca with the obvious - the tickets to the concert!

We met Liz, Rebecca, Jose Miguel and Ruth up at the mall near the fountain and walked across to the store. All this time Rebecca is just wondering what the heck is going on not really assuming anything.

We walk into the store and Liz tells one of the clerks that she is there with Rebecca and the girls kind of like freeze, freak out and then one takes off one way and the other stays there trying to think of what she is going to say.

She proceeds to tell Rebecca that she's won a free session to have her make-up and hair done! Rebecca is excited and goes to the back where they have their "dressing set."

Frank & Sydney are with me and of course my kid didn't want to miss out on the fun so she too sat down and got her nails done and hair sprinkled with glitter.

Once Rebecca was all finished, they asked her and Sydney to go on the runway and strut their stuff. At first both were hesitant but both eventually got on there.

Next, one of the girls, Chelsea, told Rebecca that there was more that she had won other than a make-up and hair session. She goes on to tell Rebecca that she has won 2 tickets to see the Jonas Bros. at the Cowboys Stadium.

Now you think the fun ends there...well think again my people. Here is the run down of the day's events come Saturday, straight from the "Jonas Brother Event Plan" that Sweet & Sassy put together.


Sweet & Sassy Concert Makeovers

3:00pm --Girls arrive at Sweet & Sassy for pre-Concert spa package

Sweet & Sassy 8 Limo Caravan

5:00pm -- ALL LIMOS Meet at 5pm Hwy 360 & Glade (5-5:15pm possible Quick Interviews & Photo Op)
5:15pm -- ALL 8 LIMOS depart from 360 & Glade to go to concert.

6pm -- Arrive at new Dallas Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, TX

7pm -- Jonas Brothers Concert Begins

10pm -- Limos return to pickup area

10:30 pm -- Pickup girls and return to store location


Okay now when Liz found out about the tickets, for whatever reason, she thought that maybe she wouldn't go and offered to let me go in her place since it dawned on her that the concert is being held at the Cowboys stadium and I'm dying to get my feet in that place.

It turns out that I'm still getting a chance to go with Rebecca in the limo and just as I was writing the blog, Liz called and said she contacted Sweet & Sassy and asked if she could come along with us and she was told yes.

I don't have a clue about the Jonas Bros., except that I know they are brothers, duh, and that one of them dated or is back to dating Miley Cyrus!

I'm going with the attitude of having a good time and hopefully doing a good job documenting the experience for Rebecca to cherish years from now!

Oh, and just in you all are wondering, one of the ladies from Municipal Court was kind enough to give me ear plugs to help from all the screaming girls!!!!!!!

Here are some pictures from yesterday.

Walking towards the store! Rebecca had no clue where she was going and why!

The place where it all went down!

Rebecca is probably wondering here why on Earth they approached the pay out counter right when they walked in the store if they didn't have anything to purchase!

This was one of the bottle caps she purchased that day she filled out her entry form at the store!

This was her winning entry!

Ms. Chelsea holding the basket of all the entries. She was actually the one that drew the winning names. She is obviously Rebecca's new friend.

Rebecca seated and ready to get all made up by Ms. Adrianna!

Sydney not staying far behind in all the action!

Saturday's events all planned out!

Sydney getting her nails done in hot pink! That girl is going to be the death of me!

Rebecca's nails all made up!

The hair do!

Getting her eye make-up done by Ms. Chelsea!

All made up and ready to go! Swimming that is....she had lessons right after this...good thing they are doing this all over again to be ready for the concert!

Some pretty little stars!

Doing the cat walk! Strut it girls!

Getting told she won more than just a make-up session!

Right before the shock of her life!

"You've won tickets to the Jonas Bros. concert!!!!!" Her expression - PRICELESS!

Still in shock!

She almost wanted to cry here!

I asked if I could get stars too and they said cool is this?!?

Ruth wanted some too!

Just a fun pic!

This will be our ride to the stadium. Now how cool is this people. Ruth will disagree with me to death, but contrary to her memory, which is not better than mine, this will be my very first limo ride!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

You go girl!!! Have a great time :=)

Anonymous said...


You should totally post a link to this blog on the Sweet & Sassy Facebook Fan Page. June's contest is Best Blog! ;-) Post on the wall or on the Discussions tab & Good Luck!

Sweet & Sassy will also be posting their photography/video coverage of this event on the Fan Page! Stay tuned!

Sweet & Sassy Facebook Fan Page-

Have a Sweet Day!
Sweet & Sassy Fan Club