Tuesday, September 27, 2011

CrossFit - Day 5


400m run
Foam/roll stretch
10 sans stretch
15 good mornings

A1. Deadlift (60% 1RM): (60% 1RM): 3-4 x 15 (2 Warm-Up Sets, then Touch and Go), 30s Rest

* 15lb bar with 10lb weights on each side *

A2. Handstand Holds: 4 x 30s Holds, 60s (WE DID NOT DO THIS IN CLASS TODAY)

WOD: AMRAP in 9 minutes
250m MB Run (15#, 20#)
25m Walking MB Lunges (15#, 20#)
250m MB Run (15#, 20#)
25m Walking MB Lunges (15#, 20#)
Man Makers (25#, 45#)

The time on this WOD was good for the man makers, so in essence, once you completed the WOD, the important part was to see how many man makers you could do in the time remaining.

If I am not mistaken, we had a little over 2 minutes remaining when I started the man makers and I was able to complete 14!!!! WOO HOO!!!

I really enjoyed this class. :)

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