Thursday, September 22, 2011

CrossFit - Day 4


Reverse pole shuffle (run to the 4th light pole and back to the 1st, then run to the 3rd light pole and then back to the 1st, run to the 2nd light pole, etc...get it?)

Foam roll/stretch
Shoulder MWOD
10 prone scorpions
10 Hind push-ups


A1. Double unders: 3-4 X 20 (we modified this exercise and jumped rope 100 times - double unders is basically jumping twice in one loop around of the jump rope).

A2. Kipping (butterfly) movement: 3-4 X 10-15

WOD: 10!!!! (10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1) For time (15 minutes)

Thrusters: Squat with 15lb bar and end up with bar overhead
Shout through's: We modified this exercise and actually did a completely different one - we did push ups instead.

So the idea is you start by doing 10 thrusters and drop and do 10 push-ups, then get back up and do 9 thrusters and then do 9 push-ups until you get to 1.

I am convinced there will never be one day where I write on here that I am not beat - this workout YET again kicked my butt.

I know this may sound crazy but it's like I crave getting my butt beat just feels so good afterwards and I'm starting to see the results in my arms..looking just a tad toned.

Let's hope now that I do good throughout the weekend until Tuesday.

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