Friday, September 16, 2011

CrossFit - Day 2


400m run
Foam roll/stretch
Shoulder MWOD
10 samson stretches

10 hand walkouts

A1. Rowing (Technique & Speed), 400m x 2, 10s Rest

Time: (1) 2:05/? (2) 1:55/26

A2. Handstand Holds (modified with box), 30s x 2, 30s Rest

WOD: For Time
21 Dips
400m Run
21 Wall Balls (5lbs)
400m Run
21 Dips

We were given 10 minutes to complete this WOD. My time was 8:10!

Today's class really kicked my butt. I wasn't feeling good to begin with because my allergies have really been acting up horribly...but I still came in with a good attitude. I am not sure if it was all the upper body workout but on my second 400m run for the WOD, I was really struggling.

Hope I feel better for the next class Tuesday.

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