Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Sydney Poo is a 4th Grader!!!!

This past Monday (22nd) when I was getting Sydney dressed for school, it hit me that my little "dona pujos," Sydney poo, minnie-me, piojito, enana, and so many more names Frank and I use to refer to Sydney is no longer a baby, is almost out of the little girl stage and has started to develop some minor features of a young lady.

Sydney had been ready for the past week or so to go back to school. I think a combination of shopping for some clothes and getting her school supplies together, got her all excited. When Monday morning rolled around, she was all ready to jump into her new outfit and sport her new Dora back-pack she choose for this new year.

I took her to school with all of her supplies in tow and walked inside with her for a couple of minutes. Being that this is her 3rd year at Luna with Mrs. Padden, she wasn't too reluctant to stay...I can tell she feels at home at Luna and knows her way around.

I left 5 minutes before 8 o'clock as Mrs. Regalado informed me that this week Mrs. Padden's class would be saying the Pledge of Allegiance so they had to go up front to the office for the morning announcements.

Here is to a great 4th grade for my little princess.

We love you mammas!!!!

I think I have taken this same shot in the exact same place for the last 3 years. :)

All ready to go!!!

With Ms. Regalado (TA).

My little girl is growing up!!!

Sydney with one of her classmates, Lauren - she managed to spill chocolate milk on her shirt.

Her colorful Dora backpack for the school year.

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