Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Marco Antonio Solis & Ana Gabriel - Haciendo Historia (Sunday, August 21, 2011)

Frank & I went out to the Verizon Theatre on Sunday to go and watch these two awesome performers. I had seen Marco Antonio Solis two years ago almost to the date with Pepe Aguilar at the American Airlines Center and I missed him last year when he came back with Alejandro Fernandez & Joan Sebastian, so a couple of months ago when I saw he was returning and this time with Ana Gabriel I told myself I had to go. Well, the date was quickly approaching and contrary to what my plans were initially, I had still not bought my tickets. I mentioned to Frank if he wanted to go and he said yes, so I went ahead and bought the tickets, literally like the Friday before the concert.

Then Sunday rolled around. Frank had to work that day and he thought he was going to get out at 5 which would be cutting it real close to the start of the concert, by the time he got home and dressed, luckily he got out at 2:00 and was home by 2:30. Then he mentioned about the fact that since both of us were going to the concert that would mean that Sydney would be picked up around 11 or so and being that the next day was her first day of school, he did not want to have to wake her up and disturb her sleep because of the concert. He asked me to check and see if Liz or Ruth was interesting in going with me.

Of all the days that I thought I would not have a problem finding someone to go with me to this one concert, it seems like it was just the perfect wrong day. I called Liz and with her boyfriend, Edmond, recently having shoulder surgery, she had to pass. Then I called Ruth and with her new part-time job, she was not able to get released early so she passed. I told Frank that no one was able to go so he decided he would go after all.

We left the house close to 6 o'clock and I was already stressing we would not make it on time as the concert was set to start at 7:00 p.m., and the drive is about 45 minutes and on top of that there was a Cowboys game at 8:00 and the drive to the stadium is on the same route as the Verizon Theatre. Luckily, we ran into zero traffic and got there with 15 minutes to spare.

On top of that, the usher we asked for directions to our seats told us we could sit on a section closer than ours because the tickets had not been sold at that particular section. Though the seats were still on the upper level of the auditorium, we didn't pay the $100 that they were going for on Ticketmaster...kuddos for that.

As far as the concert was concerned, I think I can speak for Frank and myself and say we had an AWESOME time. Both Ana Gabriel and Marco Antonio Solis have such great songs, there is no way someone cannot have a good time.

I cannot remember the last time that Ana Gabriel was on tour and she is just one of those artists that doesn't do tours much, so I was glad that although it was at the last minute, that I did get a chance to see her perform in person. As for Marco Antonio Solis, I hope I have the opportunity to see him many more time - his music is truly good.

Here are a few pictures of the night.

Like I have made it my tradition, I had to snap a picture of my ticket. :)

Waiting for the show to start.

The first song to start off the show both Ana Gabriel and Marco Antonio Solis came out to perform.

Ana Gabriel!!!

I thought this was a nice picture of her.

Another duet with Marco Antonio Solis during her part of the show. How romantic - she did thank his wife (who was in the audience, front row of course) for allowing her to kiss her husband on the lips. :)

The crowd errupted in cheers when she began to sing this song - "Luna."

Ana Gabriel finished with her part of the show and now it was time for Marco Antonio Solis.

For as long as he has been in the business, he has always maintained the same style, literally down to the hair, that has identified him way back to the days he was with Los Bukis.

Morenita - one of my all-time favorite songs.

Marco Antonio Solis is very talented, he can sing wonderfully but can also play the guitar and drums and many more instruments.

Here he is playing the drums.

For as long as I can remember, he has made the same expressions and hand gestures while singing.

A duet with Ana Gabriel during his part of the show.

An end to a great show!!!!!

Cute couple!!!

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