Thursday, August 25, 2011


The City of Garland has rolled out a series of wellness programs designed to get employees to develop a healthier lifestyle.

One of the more newer programs is called CrossFit. According to the website, , CrossFit is a strenght and conditioning system built on constantly varied, functional movements executed at high intensity.

The city opened up the opportunity for its next class of participants and I went ahead and applied. I was told that there were a total of 36 applicants and only 19 would be selected to do this 12-week course.

On Tuesday, I received my email letting me know I have been selected. Yay for me!!!

There are three steps to the CrossFit program:

1st) Individual evaluation with CrossFit instructor

2nd) Four introductory foundation classes

3rd) CrossFit classes.

Today, I will be going for my individual evaluation after work at 5:15. I must admit I am a bit nervous but as I told the interviewers, I am ready to get in the best shape of my life so that I can increase my running goal.

With that said, since I was accepted into the program, I went through with my self-imposed challenge and signed up for the Four Seasons Half Marathon Challenge...will explain later.

For now, I will get back and post in a couple of hours how my evaluation went - hopefully he doesn't kill me. :)


I had my evaluation appointment scheduled for 5:15 which should have given me plenty of time to do my approximate 30 minute evaluation and head to Oakhill to pick up Sydney.

Unfortunately, the appointment before mine went over and I didn't start my evaluation until 5:40. Mr. Selders initially took my body measurements (chest, waist, arm & thigh), then made me stand on this machine that printed out a receipt that he said tells him my composition of body fat from lean fat and a number of other things. I also had my blood pressure taken.

He then had me do a series of squats, situps, pushups, pull-ups, and other floor exercises. I struggled with some of the floor exercises but what awaited me next was nothing compared to the "set" he was going to have me do.

Because of the time crunch I was in (it was now 6:10) and I had to get Sydney by 6:30, he gave me the "short" version of the workout set he wanted me to do. Here is what he made me do and timed me for it:

* 200 meter run
* 30 squats
* 30 sit-ups
* 20 push-ups
* 10 pull-ups.

Even though I was using a resistance band on the pull-ups, with the other stuff I had already done, I was able to do 8 and then about died. I had to catch my breath twice to finish the last two.

I don't know how, but I managed to pull myself up for the last two pull-ups. I think part of me did it because I had to rush out of there to get now it was 6:20 and it takes me about 15 minutes from where I was to the daycare.

I am so excited to start this new program. I plan on taking pictures and taking my own measurements to track my progress. I don't know if I will be bold enough to post pictures on here until hopefully later when I have a killer body, right!!!! Until then, I will keep a log (hopefully) on here to track my progress through this program.

1 comment:

ana said...

Today will be a piece of cake missy!!! Dont be nerveous!!! Be more nerveous about the eating, that was my biggest challenge :(