Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas on the Square 2008

Last night we went out to downtown to the annual Christmas on the Square. Frank, Sydney and I along with Rebecca, Dathan and Tyler braced the freezing temperatures of like 48 degrees to walk downtown and see the arts and crafts displays, the Christmas tree and enjoy some goodies.

The first thing we hit upon arrival was the "snow mountain" with real snow that had been set up. Tyler unfortunately could not ride because of his arm and well I ended up going down the slide myself since I didn't realize you could come back down as I was going up to take Sydney. I must say, it was a ton of fun....that thing really went fast....really considering my 100+ pounds going down it.

There wasn't very many food vendors like in years past, but they still had my favorite - funnel cakes. I purchased one to share amongst all of us....they were pretty big. I've attached pictures of the kids muching on the very greasy but oh so yummy funnel cake. I swear it was so good they were even trying to pick up the crumbs.

We next went to watch some man doing ice sculptures. It was really cool how he made them but you could tell the poor man was freezing his cajones off as well. At this point, Tyler made it known he had to use the potty. We decided to go hunting for the nearest one when Frank realized Sydney had a little boo boo herself and decided he would head home with her. :) I was very disappointed and although I kind of did not want to stay there alone with 3 very hyperactive kiddos - I figured they were very excited to see the tree lighting and Santa that I could not return them home without that.

We stuck around, found the potty for Tyler and then came back to the square part where there was a local school choir singing some Christmas carols. We sat there long enough to see Santa come on the stage and do the countdown for the tree lighting.

This was so cool. I had no clue they did fireworks and the kids really enjoyed that. It was really a sight to see.

By the time this was done - we were all so frozen over that I called Frank to come pick us up. Seriously, it must have taken me well over 45 minutes to de-thaw - no joke.

1 comment:

Brea said...

Oh, got below zero here on Thursday night!!!!!!