Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Eve 2008

So, in our family, tradition goes this way. You have a dinner on Christmas Eve, do things to make the time pass by and at midnight is when you open up gifts, yes believe it or not, we don't go running all over the house on Christmas morning to find our gifts under the tree because by golly right at the stroke of midnight...out with the wrapping and let the gift opening begin.

Call us nuts but that's how it goes. In the last couple of years, somehow even this tradition had been tossed out the window and we were opening gifts like at 6 pm on Christmas Eve like was the case last year and home by 11:30 which was not fun.

So, this year we decided we'd go back to the "old way" and have a late dinner and play some loteria (Mexican bingo) while midnight rolled around. The gathering would be at Liz's apartment and while some could not stay the entire night we'd make the best of it while they were there and with the ones that showed up.

I got to Liz's a little after 6 and we finished putting some things together for dinner then it was on to some game time....loteria. Ruth busted out her new unopened game with the brand new deck of cards and we all go to choosing our card that we would be playing. Mexican loteria is played similar to bingo, you can play as many cards as you'd like (or can keep up with), but the only difference is that our game does not consist of numbers...instead there are pictures....hang tight and you'll see a few pics later on. The deck of cards have the corresponding pictures to the cards and as you are calling them out, you start filling in the squares with beans, yes pinto beans, in our case as markers.

The first round of games which were like 20 something, were won mostly by me, he, he, he, and thank goodness for that because all during the week I sounded like Terrell Owens talking all sorts of smack and it would only be worse for me to have lost in the winnings.

Eva, Al and David finally showed up so we decided to quit and do our dinner part. At our little gathering were Liz, Ruth, Rebecca, Erica, CJ, Eva, Al, David, Sydney and I...oh and those 2 darn dogs of Ruth's and Rebecca's - Reece's and Oreo I think is her name.

We had a pretty good dinner, let me tell you....food to throw out the window....Liz even made a delicious pineapple cake and bought an non-alcoholic white grape drink that was pretty good too.

We finally finished with dinner and decided to do some more loteria playing to kill um about 1 1/2 hours of time before midnight rolled around. Al was a real good sport about all our madness as considering the little Spanish he knows and the fact that our entire game is in Spanish with words and all....he kept up pretty good just on the pictures and even did his share of giving out the deck which I might add was the funniest thing ever...just imagine it...the word "barril" which means barrel in English was literally said that way...B-A-R-R-E-L-L! Hilarious.

I guess it was around 11:45 we finally decided to stop playing...1 even though they won't admit it because I cleaned house with every one's mula..and 2 because we decided to give out every one's gifts so that right at midnight we could all be opening up our gifts.

Anyways, I must say although it was very simple and relaxed, it was a pretty good gathering. We all had a good time, the ones that were present. I got my joy out of watching my Sydney Poo just gasped at every gift she tore open....it seriously is all about them.

Below are some pics that will detail the evening.

"Oh Christmas tree, o Christmas tree!"

My little pumpkin.

Rebecca & Sydney.

Mexican bingo!

CJ, Sydney & Reece's.

Erica & CJ!

Sydney & muah.

CJ. Isn't he adorable in his little blazer?


Liz..check her out! Strut it sista' strut it!

CJ & me.

This was my "lucky" card for the night...never changed it once and had such a blast screming "buenas" and not loteria to the hateful ears of my sisters, nieces, nephew & Al since I just wouldn't stop winning no matter who was dealing the cards!

The pineapple cake....and let the food begin.

The tamales....this picture kind of reminds me of a certain appetizer they serve at Chili's...I think it's called an Onion Flower something....anyway, there were pork, chicken and bean..yes still part of our 40 dozen making madness...and we STILL have some frozen ones to cook - any takers?

The vegetables. Well they were vegetables...just a tad overcooked, but not raw, so that's good! :)

The stuffing. Don't ask, there was no turkey but my peeps like it anyways!

The rotissiere chicken!

The potato salad!

The rice!

The corn!

The rolls!

Our Christmas Eve attendees!

CJ. Erica and him were about to leave and boy was he ready to take off with his gifts. He meant business...look at him go.

It's White Grape Juice...seriously!

Erica & I.

The "sisters." Erica, me, Eva & Liz.

Oh this is too funny, really. This is my "monkey bank" that I brought to play loteria....it came a full little guy but left even fuller. I won $23 from all those suckers that night. Ha, ha, ha!

Eva & David.

Liz, Rebecca, Ruth, Reece's & Oreo!

Al, Eva & David.

I swear everytime we take a picture, Sydney almost chokes me to death. She puts such a tight hold around my neck - I'm not kidding!

Sydney's stash....don't get deceived by the boxes....this year I wrapped 2 gifts in huge boxes just so she could have tons of paper to unwrap.

My little stash of gifts. I must say I got some very nice gifts that were not expected nor much less deserved.

And let the gift opening begin. Little Ms. Sydney kind of cheated and started 5 till midnight...excuse my poor kid...she was just too anxious!

Sydney and her cute pair of jeans we got her.

Sydney opening up one of her gifts. This shirt is way too cute...it has monkeys all over it and reads in big glitter print..."It's all about ME, ME, & ME!" I have to admit with my kid it can be that way sometimes!

Ruth - check out her face...doesn't she look so excited...she should be...her mom gave her a real nice quilt!

David...honestly I've no clue what on earth he was up to. :)

Liz, going through her goodies and surprises.

Eva, well she was opening her gifts but I think by now she was done.

Another gift she got...check out those muscles though. :) My kid is a little buff minnie me!

Her Dora the Explorer doodle pad...she loved that thing.

Sydney Poo opening one of her last gifts that night.

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