Thursday, May 21, 2009

Marathon Weekend.........

but not the kind you are probably thinking of, it did not involve running of any kind. It was more of a pretty busy weekend with very few hours of sleep.

It started with fishing on Friday night. Went out on Lake Tawakoni with a man that owns a party boat of sorts that he's fixed up to accommodate about 15 people - you pay him $20, well, $25 now (you know with the economy being bad and all) and he takes you out to a fishing spot of his. Every other time I've gone, we've been out there until 1:00 or 1:30 in the morning and Friday night was not the exception. It turned out to be a really good fishing night, caught me a couple of fish. We ended up having to call it a night because we ran out of bait, which mind you, has never happened before. Anyways, it was about 2:30 a.m. on Saturday morning by the time I got to bed - I was tired. On the way back to the boat ramp, I just crashed out!

The lake.

Sound asleep...zzzzzzzzzzz'!

I woke up early Saturday morning because I had an eye appointment at 10:00 a.m. and headed out to that. After that I went over to Liz's and stayed there until about 2:30 p.m. then headed home with just enough time to jump in the shower and get dressed to meet up with a friend of whom I won't disclose her name for obvious reasons that you'll find out next.

I arrived at my friend's at about 6:00 p.m. and we headed out towards downtown Dallas were we would catch dinner before going to see a play, "Sor Juana En Sus Colores Una Vida Definida," at the Latino Cultural Center. We ended up at Gloria's (one of my favorite restaurants) on Greenville. I'd never been to this one but even for it being dinner time, we didn't have to wait to be seated and our food was brought out real fast, which was nice. We were almost done with dinner and realized we still had plenty of time and before we realized it, lost track of time and then it was like 7:20 p.m. and we were trying to get out of there to catch the 7:30 play.

The next 15 minutes would be eventful to say the least. On our way to the Latino Cultural Center down Greenville Avenue, I noticed a "Photo Enforced" sign and said to my friend, "Oh look, this intersection has a camera." Just as I said that, I see the light turn red and we are not even near the crosswalk and as unreal as it seemed, my friend didn't even stop but instead went right through the light. When I realized what she was not going to do - STOP - and what she was doing - driving through the red light - all I could say was, "no, no, no!"

After she went through the intersection I turned to her and said, "Did you realize there was a camera back there at that light you just ran?" Her response, "Is that why you were saying, "no, no, no?," I was like just ran a red light at a photo enforced intersection which more than likely will mean she will get a citation in the mail (I would know this because of course this is what I do for a living) for $75.

As if things couldn't get any worse - of course they would!!!!! We continued down the road and my friend was trying to find the street (Live Oak St) where the cultural center was located. I guess she was just distracted that the next thing I realized is that we are approaching a flashing red intersection which as you all may know, means everyone must make a stop before proceeding (kind of like what you do at a 4-way stop) - anyways, well my friend did not do that and just as she was turning, I again turned to her and said, "You just did something illegal!!!!" (We also enforce right on red through the Safelight program) Right as she was turning and I was pointing out what she did, on one of the other 3 stops, was a Dallas Police squad car. Of course you know what happened next.......

The cop makes a u-turn and heads our direction with lights on. My friend pulls over and the officer comes by and takes her D.L. and insurance card. As we wait for him to decide what he's going to do - we realize that 2 more squad cars are headed in our direction. At first we thought they might just be driving by but won't you believe, they both turned around and parked right behind the first cop car.

My friend and I were just stunned. I mean we ain't no criminals to merit 3 cop cars behind us for a routine traffic stop. Finally the 3rd cop left but we were still left with 2. Right as the first officer comes back to give my friend her documentation and of course the stupid ticket, the 2nd officer comes along the passenger side of the car which is obviously where I was at and so my friend rolls down the window. I thought to myself, I'm not turning around and acknowledging him unless he speaks to me.

Well, let's just say we would both just stay there in silence - he never said a word, just stood there and I, well, I just sat there as well. The officer asks my friend for her signature and proceeds to tell us both to be careful and leaves back to his patrol car. We both looked at each other and just laughed - of nerves I'm sure...what a night this was turning out to be.

We drive off and finally come upon the Latino Cultural Center only to be faced with yet ANOTHER obstacle - parking!!!!!! We went around for like 5 minutes and finally paralleled into a spot. We march on into the center and after the first attempt to open one set of locked doors walk up to another set. I wouldn't believe our bad luck if I wasn't there myself. A young lady comes out of the auditorium to tell us that the place is filled to capacity with 300 people and that no one else can come in - what a bummer!

We decide to call it a night and head back to my friend's where we chat for a while and then I head back to my place. After what happened with the rest of my plans, which I'll finish telling in the next blog, I decided that for whatever reason, none of my plans were meant to happen that night.

The ceiling at the center. I thought it was so cool!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey - what is the contact info for the fishing boat guy on Tawakoni???