Monday, May 4, 2009

Fishing: Take One!

So this past Saturday, some friends, Frank & I decided to head out to Lake Ray Hubbard to do some fishing near the power plant.

Now mind you, being that I watch the news and weather 24-7 and I knew there was a real bad storm coming, we decided to still go and stay as long as we could and make a run out of there right before.

We got out to the lake and seriously, it was like the calm before the storm. No wind in sight....everything was quiet, kind of too quiet, but off we went.

I guess we were out there maybe 2 hours when it started sprinkling and thanks to Ms. Deanna having her I-Phone, she was checking the weather forecast quite regularly.

It started getting a little bit more dark than it was and we decided to go out. Well, I say that but Frank stopped the boat for a little more fishing just in sight of the boat ramp and far enough to cast the reels once again.

Of course, leave it up to the boys to make such a decision. Though we weren't in any kind of trouble, we were waiting to put the boat on the trailer when it stared to pour - and take my word on was coming down baby!

We got pretty soaked and I caught ZERO fishies...but nonetheless it was a ton of fun!

"El barco!" I hadn't been out on this baby in over a year!

This is how it looked when we decided to head back out!

This is what we left behind...don't be fooled....about 20 minutes after we got out, the weather peeps said a funnel cloud was spotted near this place and horrible winds and rain were coming down!

Me! I swear if you didn't know me any better, you'd think I was really happy! Well, I'll admit that by this time I was starting to get just a tad worried that I still wasn't on solid ground and instead was in the water where I would die instantly if my toe touched the water...because I CAN'T SWIM!!!!!

Ms. Deanna....looking pretty! Oh and a big plus....she can swim too!

This is why you don't listen to anything boys have to say. They wanted to fish just a little bit more with a bad storm coming and what do you get.....nothing but tangled up line. Yep, both of them were in for a royal mess with their lines in this picture!

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