Sunday, May 24, 2009

Freeport, Texas

Frank, Sydney & I headed out to Freeport yesterday morning to see if we could go fishing and bring us some Spanish & King Mackerel and maybe a shark or two and whatever other fish we could catch.

We left the house at around 5 a.m. and headed out. It had been 3 years since I'd been out there when I first one back in July 2006. Back then I did real good and caught me 2 Spanish Mackerel's and some other weird fish that I was unable to keep.

On the way down there, right after we exited downtown Houston, we passed up some statues of 5 presidents that looked so cool. I told Frank I wanted to stop on the way back and grab some pics.

We finally arrived in Freeport around 10:45 only to be lost for the next hour and a half looking for the boat ramp we'd used before. Come to find out, that boat ramp had been closed down and so we had to use another one that a local bait shop charges $5 for. Frank went in there because if you purchase something from them, the ramp is free and he came out with some more bait. He mentioned that the owner of the shop had a picture on his wall of the water level of the ocean right on that spot when Hurricane Ike hit last September. I didn't get a chance to go in the store and get a picture of that, but I did take a picture of the bridge near the store and let me tell you, it is pretty high.

After getting everything in order, it was time to head into the water. We made it in and I must admit, I was very nervous. Not so much for me but because we had Sydney with us and just the thought of something happening to her scared the nerves out of me. We must have been in the water for about maybe an hour when we started hearing thunder on the horizon. I kept watching this huge yacht and kept telling myself as soon as that sucker starts coming in, we are too - there is no way I'm staying in the middle of the ocean.

The clouds got a little darker and darker and the thunder began to sound closer and closer and next thing I saw was the yacht heading towards the shore. That's when we decided it was time to come in as well. We made it back to the channel where we had come in through and waited there for about 30 minutes or so. Luckily the storm passed and all we got was a few rain drops.

The bigger problem now though was none other than me! Yes folks, I was so sea sick it wasn't even funny - thankfully it wasn't to the point of throwing everything in my insides up but the motion sickness was just as bad if not worse. I still think I was quite the trooper and told Frank I'd go in and attempt to do some more fishing even though I wasn't feeling good.

Me being sick didn't make much of a difference as we didn't catch one darn fish - NOT ONE! I guess it was around 5 o'clock and we decided to call it a day and head back home. Frank and I were extremely impressed and proud of how well Sydney had behaved - considering the elements and being out on the boat and on the road all day long. She crashed on the way back though - I mean she was out cold. Poor thing, I don't blame her, I think I snoozed off a couple of times as well.

I had wanted to stop at the Sam Houston statue and get some pictures on the way back but being that we were all so worn out opted for a picture as we drove by. The one thing that I did stop for was the statues of the presidents.

Those statues were just impressive. The presidents were as follows: George H. W. Bush (41st); George Washington (1st); Thomas Jefferson (3rd); Abraham Lincoln (16th); Theodore Roosevelt (26st) and John F. Kennedy (35th).

After getting those pics, I must have fallen asleep because the next thing we knew, we were exiting 635 and were close to home. It was around 11:00 p.m......definitely a long day, but fun day!

Houston Skyline!

Our destination!

The open sea!

The local beach!

The rough waters!

No, this is NOT a shark, it's a dolphin! We saw lots of these cute little creatures!

Ocean front home. As beautiful as living here might be, I would never do it - couldn't live through a hurricane!

This is the bridge I talk in the blog about - water was almost as high as it - scary stuff!

Stephen F. Austin. We passed him up too on the way back home!

Los Presidentes!!!

George H.W. Bush.

George Washington.

Thomas Jefferson.

Abraham Lincoln.

Theodore Roosevelt.

John F. Kennedy.

Sydney completely worn out from the day's outings!

Sam Houston.

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