Saturday, May 16, 2009

GISD's 32nd Annual Special Education Olympic Games

The Program for the event.

Yesterday, Sydney participated in her very first Special Olympics. It had been originally scheduled for last Friday, May 8th, but was rescheduled due to the whole "swine flu" scare going around.

Thank goodness the CDC decided to put a stop to all this madness and tell the whole world that there isn't all that much to worry about...this whole thing isn't at pandemic status.

Anyways, I was glad it didn't get cancelled completely and that instead it was rescheduled as honestly I was looking forward to seeing Sydney participate. The event would be held at Williams Stadium where the Garland High School football team plays their home games.

The event kicked off at 10:00 with a parade featuring the athletes. A total of 35 schools participated with around 400 students. It was really something else to see all these students so excited and ready to go - proudly representing their individual schools.

This was my first year attending and I honestly had no clue what all went on, but must agree with one of Sydney's classmates parents, that next year, we will have our "spirit" on. I will make sure that Luna is well represented with nice, colorful banners and loud horns to let our students know we are PROUD of them and all they do.

After all the students "marched" around the track, they all took their seats and then in groups began forming to do their event at the competition. Sydney would be participating in the 25m walk/run as well as the assisted tennis ball throw.

From what I could tell, not just Luna, but the rest of the schools had "buddies" assigned to each student. Sydney had 2 very nice young ladies, Naaman Forest Seniors, assigned to her. Poor girls, they really did keep on a smile the entire time they were out there with Sydney, as did the rest of the buddies!

When it finally came time for Sydney to do her run, the rest of the kids and parents that came got ready to cheer her on, along with Mr. Howard, Luna's Principal who also showed up for a bit, and Ms. Padden and the TA's and other Luna staff that came along.

Sydney would be competing against 3 other kids. The volunteers lined them up and even though they had practiced like 1 month ago for this, I didn't know how well Sydney would do. I kind of figured, it would be wonderful just to keep them on the track and not have them run in total different directions.

Well, as ALWAYS....I should learn by now, NEVER to underestimate my Sydney poo. The whistle blew and off to the races she went and I do mean OFF SHE WENT! I swear it was as if you were watching Forest Gump run all across America, except she looked back a couple of times, but never fell, and reached the finish line WAY before the other 3 competitors. Okay people, I'm not joking, if I can figure out a way to put the video Frank shot of her running, I'll get that on here so you all don't think I'm just bragging because it's my kid....I seriously mean it....she BURNED all of them and all the while smiling as always.

I of course could not contain myself....I cheered like a mad woman. We were all so happy and just making all sorts of noise. Sydney really represented and did a fine job! Frank mentioned that the 25m she ran was nothing compared to what she will do when they are out at soccer practice. I really had no clue she could run and manage to stay inside her lane too! It was the best feeling ever. She was given a 1st place blue ribbon for her GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT!

The rest of the students finally finished their competitions and then it was time to break for lunch. Frank and I took off to the nearest McDonald's to grab a quick bite and then headed back to the stadium.

The way the set-up for the afternoon games was, could use a little tweaking...of course this is the perfectionist in me speaking. Reason I say that is because when the students finished with lunch, they were all directed to the field and the parents, well some..1st year ones like myself, went back to their spots...those more experienced ones knew to go to the field with the students. We finally realized that sitting up at the bleachers would make it nearly impossible for us to see anything so we decided to head down to the field and join the students and teachers.

Unfortunately by the time we got down there, Ms. Regalado told Frank and I that Sydney had already competed in the tennis ball throw and had placed 3rd. I was a bit disappointed that I did not get to see her but still found her to congratulate her on her big accomplishments that day.

I can't even put into words the pride I felt that day of Sydney. Just when I think she can't impress me anymore, she does something like this and makes me feel even more proud of her - to be her mom and be blessed to have her as my daughter - I wouldn't have it any other way!

Sydney enjoying the moment!

Sydney with her buddies going to their place to get ready for the parade.

Representing Luna Elementary. In the picture from left to right are: Brendan, Kristen and Miles.

Sydney in the parade with her buddies.

Sydney and her proud daddy!

Resting right before the big race!

This is the video of Sydney running the 25m. No steroids here - all natural baby!

With her 1st place ribbon and her buddies that cheered her on to the finish line!

A little tired....need a nap?

With her classmates - back to front - Kristen, Sydney & Pamela.

Couldn't be prouder of my Sydney poo.

1 comment:

Brea said...

Yeah, Sydney! You go girl!