Friday, May 1, 2009

Dallas Zoo!

I went along with Sydney's class yesterday to the Dallas Zoo. After a pretty wet week, it seemed that we might be facing postponement of the trip due to some more rain that according to the meteorologist, should have been gone by the time morning rolled around.

Luckily, close to 8 a.m., the sun showed up and "dried up all the rain!" No, of course it didn't but at least it scared away all the rain clouds. We headed to the classroom to wait until around 9 o'clock for the bus to come by and pick us up.

The kids did a little bit of work, though it was really hard to keep their minds focused on anything other than the zoo. While working, they dressed into their "field trip" shirts that a parent from another classroom donated to them. It is a real cute sky blue shirt that has a design of a school bus and says "On a Trip."

We headed out of the parking lot, oh, around 9:15 and on our way we were to the zoo. Arrived to find that other schools, lots others, also had the same idea to come to the zoo on this particular day.

Luckily, when we got in, the crowds didn't seem to be a bother at all. We went around and hit several of the "hot" spots and then rode on the "monorail." This is a little train that takes you for a ride for about 20 minutes around the zoo and of course it comes with your own tour guide and all. It was pretty neat, can't complain for the $3 it cost to ride it.

Around 1 pm, it was time to get back to the school, to make sure and get there with plenty of time before school let out and so that the kids could go to their respective day cares. By this time, almost every kid was worn out, including the adults that went along for the ride.

We were never happier to have air conditioner in the bus, as though, the day was very pleasant and cool, all that walking still made some of us break a sweat.

Here are some pictures from our fun adventure.

Sydney being silly & wearing Mr. James' (a Naaman Forest High School intern) baseball cap.

I love this "little" giraffe at the entrance to the zoo!

The plastic Radio Flyer was brought along for the 2 students with "little feet" according to Ms. Padden, which would be Sydney and her classmate Noah, who ended up not going. Of course, when asked, she was all over riding in that wagon!

Sydney & her classmates: standing from l-r: Krystyn, Brendann, Mohammed, Pamela, Molly, Miles, & Asha.

The flamingos. Okay, here is a little something I learned from one of the students. I was told this is true, too! When flamingos are born, they are born white, and they only turn pink when they eat shrimp. According to Ms. Regalado, one of the TA's, the Weekly Reader (a little magazine the students get each week) also mentioned this......I was stunned!

Sydney walking across the duck pool!

The pretty ducks.

Sydney riding that wood pony! Gidee up horsey!

Doing what she loves best, sliding down the slide!

Sydney & Brendann "hatching" out of the eggs.

Some beautiful scenery at the zoo!

Love the way she is standing here!

Looking at the penguins.

Kissing the penguins.

Another pretty picture...can't even tell it's a fake waterfall!

The Monorail ride along we took around the zoo!

Zebras...with the stripes that don't go all around their body...their belly is actually white and they are white all over with black stripes...interesting, huh?

The ostrich. Another informative lesson: the boys have the dark coat to hide better when they are protecting the nest and the girls have the brown coat!

Check out the size of that!

The Nile Crocodile - no thank you Mr. Crocodile, don't want to be your dinner tonight!

"Hold my hand Mr. James." Sydney was being so spoiled around him, as were all the other girls.

The gorilla. Check out his pose, it's as if he is saying, "oh brother."

The pretty butterfly!

El elefante. Another thing I learned: this is an African elephant - their ears resemble the continent of Africa. The Asian elephant has way smaller ears in the shape of a triangle. Did you know that?

Can't forget the giraffe.

Ay, que bonita!

Sydney claimed her back hurt at the end of our trip...silly girl.

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