Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy 7th Birthday Sydney!

This past Monday, May 4th, my little Sydney turned the B - I - G 7! Yes, trust me I can't believe it myself. It seriously seems like yesterday when she was born and now she is just so big and independent in her own way.

Unlike other mornings were I have a difficult time getting her to wake up, she was awake (on her own) at 5 a.m. Even before we left the house to go to school, I must have already sang "happy birthday" to her at least 15 times. All she would tell me when we finished (because she sang to herself as well), was "again momma!" I would say "again," and there we went.

I was told the next day by one of the TA's that they even mentioned it was her birthday over the intercom at school and that she was so thrilled to hear her name called out.

That afternoon Erica invited us over for dinner and I told her I would go ahead and bring along a cake so the kids (her cousins) could sing happy birthday for her as well. I stopped by the store and got a small cake, a party hat, and of course some candles. I was going to get the regular ones, but I thought to myself, how much more fun would she have blowing out the candles if I got the re-lightable ones instead of the "normal" ones. So, I went ahead and got those.

We arrived at Erica's and I put her hat on and told Sydney she had to keep it on because she was the birthday girl. We had dinner (mole, yummy!) and were sitting there chilling for a little bit.

When it was time to sing for her, I went ahead and put the candles on the cake and gathered the kiddos around her. Of course by now the older ones knew what was up and were ready for the candle blowing.

We sang happy birthday and of course at the end tell Sydney to blow out the candles. She puckered up and blew as hard as she could, trying to cover all 7 candles in one breath. She managed to get around but quickly realized that as she made her way to the end, the first candles were lighting up again.

Her reaction, "OHHHHHHH!" It was hilarious! She must have tried to extinguish at least 5 times, by this time with the help of her cousins and their saliva as well. Finally, after a good while, the candles were out for good!

We had some cake and then headed home.

On the way there, I saw that Frank was still at practice with the soccer team so I decided to stop by. Frank told the team it was Sydney's birthday and they all started singing "happy birthday" to her in unison, well a little off, but you know what I mean.

Oh, Sydney was besides herself with all the attention centered on her. At the end, I asked the girls to gather together for a group picture.

As I said at the beginning, I cannot believe that my little Sydney poo is 7! It's amazing as I look back to see how much she has grown, developed and how far she has come. My prayers are always that God give us the wisdom to guide her in the right path and teach her the right things so that one day I can see her as an independent young vibrant individual - no matter what - I'm proud of her already!

Syndey & her cousins: Tyler, Dathan, CJ, and Jr.

Sydney & proud momma!

With her Aunt Erica.

She had no clue that the candle blowing would take more than just 2 seconds!


Enjoying every moment!

Let me look many candles is that?

Just plain silly!

The Lonestars!

1 comment:


que barbara yo sigo pensando cual sera mi proximo blog y tu ya subiste uno mas.Como todos excellente.