Monday, April 27, 2009

"Rubber ducky, you're the one...."

Okay so on my way into work this morning, I got completely soaked. Now you might be asking yourself, where on Earth was my umbrella.

Well, I had it with me, thank you very much, but it didn't make much of a difference. The rain was coming from every direction.

I promise, it took me all morning long to dry off using my little heater.

I couldn't of put it better if I tried!

Rubber Ducky
Your the one
You make bath time
Lots of fun!
Rubber Ducky
I'm awfully fond of you! (bobobodeo)

Rubber Ducky
Joy of joy
When i squeeze you you make noise
Rubber Ducky
You're my very best friend its true

Every Day
When I make my way to the tubby
I find a little fella who's
Cute and yella
And chubby
Rubba dub dubby!

Rubber Ducky
Your so fine
And im lucky that your mine
Rubber ducky im awfully fond of you

Every Day
When I make my way to the tubby
I find a little fella whos
Cute and yella
And chubby
Rubba dub dubby!

Rubber ducky your so fine
And im lucky that your mine
Rubber ducky im awfully fond of
Rubber ducky im awfully foooond
Of you!

These are the lyrics...I thought it was HILARIOUS!!!!!!

Cowboys Draft Day Party 2009

On Saturday some friends and I went out to the Arlington Convention Center to watch the Dallas Cowboys Draft Party live - well, with a bunch of other Cowboy fans.

It was my first time ever going to something like this and I had no clue to expect. I found out this was happening from going to the Cowboys website and then I coincidentally heard it on the radio. All I knew was that the doors opened at 6 and alone or with company, I was going to be there.

We headed out a little after 5 p.m. and without much traffic arrived around 5:30. When we arrived, there were already quite a few people, but in the time we stood in line waiting for the doors to open, a bunch of more people showed up, and I do mean a bunch.

While we were in line, we were just kidding around...having a good time. I pointed out to my friend, la Sra. Adriana, that she uses quite frequently a phrase that basically translates to "swear it." Kind of like saying promise....but it sounds so much funnier in Spanish "juramelo." I swear she said only after I pointed it out did she not realize that she used it so much. We had a kick out of that phrase the rest of the night...promise...for everything we'd be like "juramelo." :)

The doors finally opened and in we went. There was a lot of Cowboys memorabilia for the fan lover like me to just stare in awe and snap photos of. In the time we were there, we didn't see any players. We got Rowdy and some Cowboys Cheerleaders autograph, and then chased down Rowdy outside for a picture.

After scoping out the territory and heading outside as well to see some mobile units that had some more neat Cowboys stuff, we decided to head out.

We headed to this restaurant in Addison, "Los Palomos," I believe is the name. Anyway, they sell some good tacos and we ate some of those..yummy....then it was time to head home.

Here are some pics of the fun afternoon.

The new Cowboys stadium. It still does not have a name, well at least that's been made to the public, but betcha it will have something to do with Tom Landry.

Going into the Convention Center. This is probably the same helmet the players run through as they are going unto the field as they are being named, at least that's what I want to believe, makes it even that more special.

They had this headless manequin right as soon as you walked in. I thought, what the heck, it's the only way and remotely close I'll ever get to "be in" a Cowboys cheerleader uniform - you gotta have a killer body and know great dance moves and be like gorgeous to be one of them.....:)

My friend, la Sra. Adriana, posing for the camera. SMILE!

He is one of my favorite players. Side note, I actually purchased my Explorer from his dealership and while I was signing my life away, literally, to purchase the truck, the man (good-looking) stood right beside me and I became like a block of ice - still as a rock...didn't even say a was as if someone ate my tongue...oh I was so mad at myself afterward, oh well!

Silly me, check out my hands, tried to hold on, only to realize they were inflatable...DUH!

La Sra. Adriana & I.

Check out that Mustang! Beautiful!

Pretty ladies!

Rowdy, official mascot of the 'boys!

The cheerleaders.

This is when we chased Rowdy outside to get an individual pic.

Whoever is under this suit, is funny! Rowdy was tickling us and that is why we are both laughing so hard. He also took my friend and gave her a big wet one earlier (I'll let her post the pics on her blog). Too graphic. :)

The trophies!

Just beautiful. The stadium & I of course!

Sparks. New beer Miller Lite is coming out with.

My all-time favorite player and the reason why I love #22...Emmitt Smith!

The new stadium.

Last picture before we go!

"Juramelo, that I had a great time, well I did!"

My Rowdy autographed picture!

My Cowboys Cheerleaders autographed picture!


A little update, these were the players that were added to the Cowboys roster after the weekend draft:
Dallas Cowboys 2009 Draft Class

Jason Williams
Western Illinois

Robert Brewster
Ball State

Stephen McGee
Texas A&M

Oregon State

Texas Tech


Michael Hamlin

Southern Cal

Texas Christian




Friday, April 24, 2009

Birthday parties.....

are so much fun!

One of my cousins, Letty, had a birthday party for her son who turned 1 today and invited us over to my aunt's house for a little get together.

Somehow we managed to just have a blast, acting up like we were all a little tipsy...that's why I'd never drink....I can only imagine how silly I'd be.

They had some really good food, but the best part came when it was time for the pinata. It was too exciting to pass up so I asked and was granted permission to take a couple of hits to the poor Elmo.

I had a really good time, good laugh, that was needed.

Below are some pictures I took....FUNNY, is all I have to say.

Roman, the birthday boy, and his mom, Letty.

CJ & Sydney. Look at CJ's face....he's looking intensely to figure out how this whole pinata thing works....I think he's got it down, don't you?

Oh yeah, I've got this down. All you have to do is stick your tongue out and attack the pinata when it's NOT looking....piece of cake!

Oh holy crapola! No one told me that thing could turn around and attack me too! Help!

Sydney taking her stab at getting the candy out!

Okay, be nice Mr. Pinata man on the roof...I'm short here...bring that pinata down a little! Please?

Okay, here we go...warming up the spot so the spank won't hurt so bad!

Even Liz got a piece of the action....she said she needed to "relieve some stress." Wonder if it has anything to do with hitting the big 4-0 this year...oopps, did I mention that? Check out the candy coming out of Elmo, looks like he is doing the potty!

1st Grade Presents: "If Frogs Made Weather"

by Marion Dane Bauer. Arrangement and Music Selection by Terri Knagg. ************************************************************************************* Last night we headed out to Sydney's school for the Spring Musical. At first, Ms. Padden had suggested she wear the outfit Frank bought her for her class picture, then Ms. Regalado suggested she not, because she pointed out that Sydney would be sitting in the front row and if she did not keep her little legs together, she might expose her little mermaid undies to the crowd.

So I went during lunch and got her the cutest outfit ever, well, at least I thought so. I headed home after work, after making a marathon run to CVS purchasing diapers and dropping those off with CJ's babysitter and then going to pick up Dathan & Tyler from another babysitter and hauling butt to my casa to get home and get Sydney dressed in time to be at school by 6:30 p.m. (the running around is a different story - luckily my other nephew, Jr., is okay).

I got home and of course when Sydney saw her new shirt, capri's and shoes, she went ecstatic and reacted just as I thought she would..."Mine mama!" I got her dressed and off we were to school.

I've got some video that Frank recorded with the camera, and I'm going to try and attach those videos here, but let me just tell you, Sydney did a fantastic job. We were all so proud of her. It's amazing to watch her do all the hand gestures and moves of course, from memory...she started off at first looking off to the sides to seek some guidance, but after a while, she was all on her own - of course sometimes off beat or pace, but nonetheless doing a great job and making us proud.

The program was broken up into 6 songs and unfortunately we did not record the first skit - trust me on this one, it was hilarious....only my daughter, as Liz would say. Below is a breakdown of the program:

Sydney poo before the program. Of course I gotta get a picture!

Sydney and Daddy!

The stage. The stuffed toys to the left of the stage were brought by the kids that participated in the program.

The program.

Sydney waiting patiently and being silly!

She was a "snowflake" in the program along with her other classmates.

The cast.

Ms. Knagg - the Music teacher.

This delightful little tale describes what the world would be like if certain animals determined the weather. All these creatures are being watched by some children who decide that if making the weather were up to them, they would enjoy everything the animals had chosen.

If frogs made weather, morning would sprinkle. Afternoon would drip. Night would whisper, whisper to the brimming ponds, "Did you know that frogs make weather?"

If weasels made weather, fog would cling to the ground, grip the grass. If weasels made weather, mist would hide the slink, conceal the pounce........BREAKFAST!

If robins made weather, trees would always be budding, the grass fresh and green. And the melting snow would set every worm a wiggling.

Dance: Singing in the Rain

If cats made weather, sun would slant in every window, spy beneath each bush, warm a spot for a tight-tucked nap, warm a sport for a S-T-R-E-T-C-H.

If flies made weather, every day would be hot, hot, hot. All the food would rot, rot, rot. And every fly would buzzzzzzzzz.

If turtles made weather, lighting would crash and smash and sizzle. Turtles would snap their doors shut and smile in the dry dark.

Sydney poo moving to the music....this was the funnier of the skits but we did not record it. :(

"Singing away."

I really wish we had recorded this skit....she was doing some crazy stuff and was ALL into it, too!

Yeah for me! So proud of herself!

Thunder Storm

If bats made weather, the sun would sink, the wind would still. Every mosquito would hum its fill. And all the bats would be full of mosquitoes.

Rain, Rain

If hawks made weather, the wind would blow and blow, rising and rising, swirling and swirling. Hawks would stretch their wings and drift, drift down.

If geese made weather, leaves would flare in the bright blue air. Frost would tip the lawn. And the sky would sigh with the lonely cry of "Going. Going. Gone."

The Wind Blew East

If polar bears made weather, snow would pelt. Snow would sting. Snow would pile and drift and cling. If polar bears made weather, we would never see spring


If I made weather, I would call the slanting sun to my bed. I would tiptoe through the fog. I would blow the day clear with a mighty wind.

I would leave my footprints in the damp new earth and twirl the leaves to their beds. I would bask in heat and rejoice in snow.

I would snuggle in my mama's lap to hear the lightning roar. And I would stay, counting the drip, drip, drip.

When the sun slid down the sky, I would greet the sweet nightfall.

If I made weather, WE WOULD HAVE IT ALL!

Being a "snowflake."

Taking a bow!

Look! Look! The Sun Woke Up!

Sydney & Momma!

Momma, Sydney & Dad

Dathan, Rebecca, Tyler & Sydney.

Mr. James & Sydney. Mr. James is a student at Naaman Forest doing student teaching.

Ms. Padden & Sydney.

Ms. Regalado (TA) & Sydney.

Omar & Sydney.

After the program, we headed out to McDonald's to treat the kids to some happy meals and some playtime.

The kids wanted to make it a point for the wizard (in the middle) to come out. They thought it was pretty funny when I sat down to take the picture and it ended up looking like I was wearing the wizard hat.

Okay, so I wasn't able to successfully upload any of the videos. I'll have to seek some assistance and try again.