Tuesday, October 25, 2011

CrossFit - Week 7 - Day 13!


400m run
Foam roll/stretch
Front rack/hip MWOD
10 samson stretches
10 shoulder pass thrus


A1. Thrusters (from 5RM): 5-7x3, 30s rest
**15lb bar with 10lb & 2 1/2 lb weights on each side - total 25lbs +
15lb bar**

A2. Box Jumps (higher box): 5-7x5, 60s rest
**I started with a 12inch box then added a 35lb weight**

WOD: (for time)

21MB push ups (15lb)
42MB squats (15lb)
15MB push ups
30MB squats
9MB push ups
18MB squats

Time: 6:58

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