Friday, October 21, 2011

CrossFit - Day 12!!!


The Medley
Foam Roll/stretch
10 shoulder pass thru lunges
10 OH Squats (3s hold) with 15lb bar
10 supine scorpions

A1. Turkish Get Ups (Introduce Movement for Newbies): 3 x 3ea (7-10 High Bridge Raises, Adv. Only), 30s rest (with 15lb KB)

A2. Pistols (Introduce Movement for Newbies): 1 x 10ea warm-up; (To Low Target: 3 x 7e), 30s rest

WOD: For Time
20 Pull Ups (ring rows for women)
200m Run
20 Wall Ball Shots (KB squats with 35lb KB)
400m Run
20 Wall Ball Shots
200m Run
20 Pull Ups

Time: 9:50

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