Thursday, August 27, 2009

Silver & Blue Debut!

For the second time, the Dallas Cowboys held a practice free for the public at their grandiose stadium.

I had heard about this a couple of weeks back and only until this weekend, thanks to Virginia (BIG Steelers fan), got the breakdown of the days events. Not that I thought I'd be the ONLY one to think of going, because well, the Cowboys are America's team, but my goodness, there were a ton of people and cars everywhere - more than I had imagined.

Continuing with the streak of events, and being that this one was FREE, and that I love football and the Cowboys, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to go once again to the stadium and to see my boys.

I mentioned it to la Sra. Adriana and she along with her husband and 2 kids, Frank, Sydney and I headed out right after work towards Arlington.

We arrived at the stadium around 6:15 and contrary to what was being announced on the radio and tv, we did not have to pay $10 for parking, mind you, we did park near the Rangers ballpark, but even then the walk did not seem bad at all. On the way in, we had to go through one of those bar deals that swing around to let you in and I noticed it had a counter on there...the one I went through read 2,506 and there must have been at least another 3 or four of those set up. The newspapers reported a total number in attendance of 26,460 - the biggest turnout yet for a practice.

We got into the stadium and stood for a while from the main level watching them practice. We were going to try and go up to our seats for Saturday's game, but the upper sections were cordoned off so we weren't able to do that. For the remainder of the time, we went down to section 146 near the end zone and sat and watched the practice until about 7:40. I mentioned that maybe we should start heading out since practice was scheduled to end at 8:00 pm and one of the local radio stations was having Fanny Lu in concert outside a stage that was set up right outside of the stadium.

As we were walking out, we noticed that it was a little dusty and then all of a sudden out of nowhere, the wind picked up and it was on from that point. We quickly decided we would not be sticking around and were starting to head towards the truck to beat the rain when it started to rain and well, instead we turned around and went right back in.

Around this point, God just let it rip and I mean bad. The rain and wind were coming from all directions. It looked like the evil storm in the Wizard of Oz - things flying everywhere. At one point the "event staff" in their bright yellow shirts came and stood in front of the doors and asked everyone to move back. We must have waited a good 15 minutes and finally the wind died down and so did the rain.

After much consideration and not really having another option, we decided we were going to get wet anyway, so headed out towards the truck. By the time we got there, we were all pretty much soaked from head to toe but nonetheless still in great spirits, even the kiddos.

It was quite a night. All in the name of fun!

I can't believe this is already the 4th time that I've been here since it opened in June and I'll be back here again in 2 days!!!!!

Outside of the stadium.

This guy had his truck all decked out with Cowboys stuff - he was being really nice too and telling people they could sit in it to take pictures.

I was the 2,506 person going through the counter I entered...there were like 3 or four more set up.

The field. Isn't it beautiful. Notice the star in the middle is missing.

Tony Romo getting ready to make a throw.

Coach Wade Phillips.

His record.

Jason Garrett - used to be quarterback for the Cowboys, now is the Offensive Coordinator.

This lineup brings a smile to my face from ear to ear. It's football time again, people!!!!

Jason Witten doing what he knows best - headed towards the end zone....TOUCHDOWN baby!!!!

Front view.


We even got to see the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.

Sydney & Daddy.

Frank & I - this was taken by Sydney - she is becoming quite the photographer - wonder where she gets it from? :)

The storm

Noticed how soaked we are!!!

The stadium during a bad storm.

"Practice Play"

"The Storm"

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