Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dallas Cowboys vs San Francisco 49ers!!!!!!!!

The day that I had been waiting for finally arrived when I would go yet again to the Cowboys stadium to watch my favorite team, the Cowboys, play against the team I hate the most in the NFL, the 49ers.

Unlike something I had ever done before and thanks to the suggestion of Ms. Virginia, we (Frank, la Sra. Adriana, el Sr. Gustavo and myself) decided we'd do the whole tailgating thing.

We headed out towards the stadium around 2 o'clock and got there a little after 3p.m. Being that this was our first time, we quickly realized that if we ever decide to do this again, we'd definitely have to invest in a tent of some sort, as this is Texas, and the sun and its sweltering rays are unforgiving to anything in it's sight.

Nonetheless, we got a little spot near a baby tree (remember the stadium is brand new), and started getting our stuff down. Before long, the grill was going and we were enjoying some chips and queso. After a little while, we welcomed some neighbors, who turned out to be very friendly and sharing.

The grill was finally ready to go and Frank started off by grilling some ribs we bought. After those were done, it was on to the fajitas, which I personally like. During the course of the grilling, our neighbors offered Frank and el Sr. Gustavo some shots of heavens knows what. All I know is that they were enough to get Frank really "happy."

6 o'clock finally rolled around and we decided it was time to head inside and find our seats. We were seated on the "visitor's side" though at Cowboys stadium there really is no such side as you are still surrounded by silver and blue, but nonetheless we were on the 49ers sideline. Our seats were located in the nosebleed section, but thanks to Jerry Jones' bright thinking and his creation of the jumbo tron, we were staring right into the best HD screen you've ever seen...times 1,000.

Kickoff time was fast approaching and on we were for what would turn out to be an exciting game with plenty of ups and downs, possibly not for everyone there, but for me, it sure was. I so would have loved more than anything for the Cowboys to just completely outscore the 49ers but that didn't happen and thanks to some awful playing towards the end (typical of them), the Cowboys practically handed the win over to the Niners secondary.

Prior to entering the game, I put out there a bet that if the Cowboys lost, la Sra. Adriana and I would wear Frank's jersey and vice versa. There was still about 1 minute left in the game when Frank was already undressing to my displeasure. Being that I am a good sport and don't back out on bets....I surrendered to displaying that God-awful jersey on my fat rolls over my very cute Cowboys shirt.

Final score in case you didn't know and just to please Frank: Cowboys 13 vs 49ers 20!

I waited about 2 months to wear this cute shirt I purchased at the Cowboys Pro Shop!

Frank displaying his flag!

Sydney knows what's good. She wanted to be like her mama and have some cool tatoos on!

La Sra. Adriana, another true Cowboy fan!

Now in case you are wondering, you are seeing el Sr. Gustavo with a Romo jersey and happily displaying the 49ers flag. After tonight, I dubbed him "El Indeciso!"

Getting the grill going!

The stadium, again! Not that I'm complaining, though!

Buenas amigas!

Buenos amigos!

I just feel that strongly about them! I can't stand the 49ers!!!

Cute! Except that ugly jersey's gotta go!

Cute all the way around!

Frank invading a group's picture with his 49er spirit!

3 versus 1....GO COWBOYS!!!!!!

View from our seats...there really isn't a bad seat in that entire stadium.

The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders! I'm not really into the "rah rah sis boom bah" stuff, but if I ever in my lifetime was a cheerleader, I'd be one on this squad..of course, after some major lipo!

The 49ers!

Tony Romo (9)!

The Dallas Cowboys!

I've waited for this image way too long!

Referring to the Titans kicker kicking the jumbo tron during a punt! Looser!

I can't stand his team, but this man means business!

Warning: The following pictures contain graphic images of TORTURE that might be too unbearable for your sight!

If only I had an eraser to wipe that smile off his face!

Traitor! Notice his jersey is flipped inside out!

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