Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Vacation: Part II

Today was again dedicated to some more running around and taking care of some more of my dad's business. These last few days have definitely been such an eye opening experience for me in terms of my dad...there is a "role reversal" of sorts that has become's like now we are having to become my dad's parent. Although a bit frustrating, I much rather prefer to see the positive side of it all and be thankful to still have my dad.

After we finished with his business, Liz, Rebecca and I headed South for the border...better known as "Las Flores." We were headed with a mission, but still did some side shopping. I made a purchase of a straw hat I had seen when I came down in July. Let me just say I am not a "hat" woman, but for some reason, I'm "digging" this one. I bought Sydney a different one and we'll probably sport them while out at the beach tomorrow (hopefully).

After we got back from Mexico, I went to visit the Garza girls...old friends from church. We spent a couple of hours chatting and catching up and reminiscing about old times. That was real's so crazy how the years just pass by.

For the last hour or so, Liz and I have been sorting through some of my parents belongings one of which included my mom's almost the exact condition she had it with contents and all when she passed away going on 10 years ago. We discovered what we already knew about her...that a pack rat she was, but a neat one at that. We seriously found stuff from the late 60's, early 70's....I'm not kidding. It's so strange in a way, all of this times it feels as if I was just having a bad dream.

What I'd give to turn back time! :(

Okay, you might disagree, but I'm digging this hat....since I was last here in July, for some reason I just loved it but didn't get it then....I did now. I probably won't ever wear it again.

I bought this cute straw hat for Sydney Poo.

This was the line to get back on US soil. We were there exactly 1 hour. Patience and hope you don't have to go potty, is all I have to say.

"Las Flores" This is probably the only "safe" place in Mexico. I say that and after we returned to Garland, I read on the local newspaper that on the following Monday there had been a bomb threat to blow up the bridge.

One side USA, the other Mexico.....literaly, like an invisible line drawn across the ground and the Rio Grande.

I was just here in July and this was not up. This is on Military Road (going East will lead you to Brownsville and going West will take you to Rio Grande). The fence you see there is the famous border fence being built across the entire Mexico border to help with drug traffic and illegal entry.

Emma and her three little ones.

Cindy and her little boy.....expecting her 2nd.

Emma, "Mono," and new baby boy.

Eliza, Liza girl, and her adorable daughter.

The Garza girls & me!

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