Saturday, March 21, 2009

Back Home!

We decided to stay an extra day with my dad and leave the Valley until Friday morning. On Thursday we went with him to a follow-up eye doctor's appointment he had for cataract surgery he had on his right eye the week before. Although my dad really did not follow the rules about taking care of his eye, the doctor said his healing was coming along pretty well - which was a huge sigh of relief.

On Thursday, I basically did nothing after the doctor's appointment. I seriously just came back to my dad's and took a nap...that's right, you are reading correctly, I took a nap! I probably would've slept a little more, but Sydney had an "accident," and so I was forced to get up and address that.

My friend Erika called me around 3 pm and I headed towards her house in Edinburg to see here before I left. Spent a couple of hours there with her while Sydney played with her daughter, Itzell, who coincidentally was born on the same day - May 4th.

At around 6 pm, I came back home and had Liz take me to the snow cone place to get me my 2nd round of a pick a dilly. Now what on earth is that you might be asking yourself...well let me explain. It's a "raspa," (snow cone) whatever flavor you want, with dill pickles, kool-aid powder and lucas (Mexican chili powder - sweet). I know it sounds gross, but it's so yummy delicious. Don't ask me why, but I love all the mixture of sweet and sour - so sour that is, that when you take a bite into it without mixing it, it literally makes your jaw lock and produces the most horrible expressions on someone's face. I was nice enough to offer Liz and Rebecca some and sit there and laugh all the while they were trying to regain their normal "face." :)

After that I went and picked me up some more tacos from my favorite taco place down there and gulped those down.....yummy.

Bedtime was pretty early on Thursday night, as we had to wake up early on Friday morning to head back home.

Friday morning came around and I awoke around 5:45. We said our goodbyes to my dad and were on the road by 6pm.

The trip back was actually uneventful - thank goodness. We arrived back in Garland at around 2:45.

I had not been gone for that long from "home," since about 3 years ago when I went to Cancun. It was weird coming back home, as I felt I was gone for so long.

I must say, I had a good time at my dad's....other's might have been bored out of their minds doing all that I did....which included a lot of nothing, but I enjoyed it.

I don't feel a bit tired and am ready to go back to my normal schedule.

Glad to be back to be able to sleep in my bed for one, and get back into the sync of things. :)

I should have pictures here posted soon.

This snow cone place is right up the street from my house...walking distance.

The pick a dily is obviously just a specialty to the Valley, as I cannot find it anywhere in North Texas. :(

The famous pick a dily....ingredients for the perfect snow cone: shaved ice, dill pickles, kool aid powder and chilito (mexican chili powder). YUMMY!

Sydney & Grandpa.

My dad, Sydney & I.

Rebecca & my dad.

Rebecca, my dad & Liz.

My dad & Abraham.

Sydney & I on our last night at my dad's....getting ready to crash for the night.

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