Saturday, January 17, 2009


now what on Earth is that you might ask.

A frenum is a fold of tissue or muscle connecting the lips, cheek or tongue to the jawbone.

Quite commonly, a frenum can be attached too high on the gums which can cause spaces between the teeth. In extreme cases, this condition can interfere with or thwart normal eruption of tooth structures.

Well for those of you that had never heard about this medical term and you know me, you can now say you know someone who's had a frenectomy....the reason for my surgery was precisely because of my ancestor's having issues with their gums...I was passed down too much of this fold of tissue or small muscle that makes my teeth come apart in the front.

As many of you may also know...this is my second go around with braces and had someone told me the first time around that regardless of how long I had braces and didn't address my frenum issue, I'd be back to square one the moment they came off.

That is why my peeps I had this "minor" surgery done this past Thursday, January 15th....I'm not obsessed or anything like that with the way I look, but if you know me, you would know that I've always had issues with my smile and that gap I carried around for many years.

I'll spare you all the ugly details and although very tempting, the posting of stomach churning pictures...but take my word from someone who's had way too much done on her mouth - this "minor" procedure was hardly that....I was in quite a bit of pain that night and now have to deal with this horrible itch from the stitches and my whole nasal area and cheeks are extremely sensitive - if I touch them, I feel it on my upper lip.

Anyways, I'm still not completely done with mouth work...but hopefully when it is all said and done, I'll have the Colgate smile I've always more hands over the mouth when I smile or laugh. :)

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