Friday, January 9, 2009

Bite This OU!

Who says little request don't come true. I obviously love my UT Longhorns but since they got shafted from the National Championship game, my only other alternative was to root for the Florida Gators because there is no way on Earth I would EVER go for OU. Why you may ask? Well, because OU SUCKS!

So last night, I got to catch the game at the beginning of the 4th quarter and the score was 14-14. I could tell just by the low score that it would be yet another one of those last minute win games.

Luckily, Mr. Bradford forgot his teams color is maroon and he somehow mistook an orange uniform for his own and threw an interception. This lead the Gators to score a field goal which put them up 17-14.

The final seal of the game came with another touchdown by the Gators putting them up 24-14, which would end up being the final score.

I swear people, I couldn't be more happier. You know the Sooners and all their clan of followers think they are so good, invincible and untouchable...well I got news for you time you think about talking so much smack, think twice...instead go out and win a BCS bowl game and if by chance you make it to another BCS title game because of some stupid voting system - try and see if you can't win that!

It is 9:28 a.m. and OU STILL SUCKS!

1 comment:

Brea said...

Ha! You go Elisa. I totally agree! Also, I'm sad to admit that I'm a tad bit jealous of your Celine Dion concert experience!