Monday, February 23, 2009

Erica's Baby Shower (4th)

Okay, so before I start, I'll say this.....I know it's been forever since I last wrote on this. Trust me, it's not because I've lost the excitement in my life or have completely quit doing anything, it just seems like I've been extremely busy. Life at both jobs just seems to have picked up a notch and of course things at home, well they just never stop.

Anyway with that said, I'll update a bit on the oh, last blog you all have been seeing for the better part of a month or so now. My surgery has healed real well according to the surgeon that did it and both my dentist and orthodontist. They all 3 think I'm silly because I told them all they were lying when they had told me this was minor surgery. Anyway, I'm glad I'm past that point in my progress and now I'm hoping I have just a couple of more months to go before I can be rid of the metal I've been luggin around for almost 2 years now (come March).

So going back to my post....on Saturday, February 7th, my sister's and I along with Erica's new baby's grandma (I say this only because I don't know how she refers to her besides "Senora."), hosted a baby shower for her. Erica's due date is somewhere around mid-March, but I promise once you see the few pictures I got of her, you'd agree that maybe the oven broke because it looks like she is ready to deliver.

Anyway, her little get together was quite the adventure. I don't know how you all do baby showers, but the ones we've had to host, involve a lot of interaction, and quite frankly at times, the noise level can get a little out of hand. J/K.

We have a variety of games, some being the most popular (in our world, at least) - measuring the belly with pieces of toilet paper, contest between women drinking out of a bottle, clothes pin game (involves saying an item a baby needs while attempting to grab the most clothes pins in one hand without dropping them), guessing mama's weight without being too cruel, etc. But I have to give it to some of the lady's that attended this baby shower, they suggested a game that I have never in my oh almost 3 decades of life had heard of before. It involved chewing a piece of gum since basically the beginning of the shower, well after you ate, and then at the end, making a baby, yes, you read right, a baby out of the piece of gum. The mom then got to look at every one's version of their little one and select the winner. Well, let me tell you some of these ladies got mighty creative but the winner ended up being basically by unanimous decision, my cousin Melissa's version of a baby with hair and a diaper - made out of 1 piece of gum!

All in all, I do believe everyone in attendance had a good time. Erica did get a bunch of nice gifts for her little one.

With this new addition to her family, little Hector, Jr. (I do believe this will be the baby's name), will make me an aunt 11 times!

Here are some pictures from the shower!

Marshmallow covered pineapple! I had never seen this done to a pineapple but I thought it was so cool and creative!

Parting gifts (little bags filled with marshmallows with a decorative lace deal over them).

The cake!

The cake, oh and the mama!

Mom! I don't know that she'll mind I share this, but although her belly is huge, that's basically it. She was able to pull the shirt she's wearing from a regular women's rack, not maternity and fit into a medium - now how many of us can actually pull that off. I gotta give it to her!

Erica & I - check out that belly! Big sis, little sis.

Sydney and her Aunt Erica - Sydney had just finished having one of her "moments." If you look closely, you can see she'd been crying. That's honestly my kid for you, good one moment, bad the next.

Proud parents to be! Hector & Erica.

Sydney and I - check out her glasses....just like her mama! I love them!

Sydney & CJ...aren't they just soo cute? Right, keep them for a day and you'll beg to differ. :)

This is the winner "bubble gum baby" created by my cousin Melissa. Pretty neat, isn't it?

I stole this "thumb print" picture frame idea from my job in Plano (thanks Ms. Donna). I had every guest, put their thumb print with different ink colors on the frame and well I'm hoping once we get the first glimpse of this baby, that eventually a picture of him ends up in the center. My sister is bad at putting things up!

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