Sunday, July 20, 2008

Round Number Two!

Well I just got back in about an hour or so ago from down south - yes again. I left with my sister, Eva, on Friday after work and headed out to the valley once again, this time to go and pick up my Sydney poo, whom I had left behind at her grandmas.

We left here around 4 p.m. and considering it was Friday afternoon, encountered very few difficulties along the way. We figured we'd see if we could pull off the entire 8 hour drive straight through instead of stopping so that we could at least get a full day in Donna so that in turn the drive back wouldn't be so horrible.

We got in right about 12:30, again, with little incidents, even in Austin, considering that place is always horrible when it comes to traffic. The only trouble were 2 accidents, which even then is few compared to what I have seen other times.

I swear, as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a rock. I really didn't get much sleep the night before and my day had not been one of my best ones (emotional issues) and so my head was pounding from a combination of things and all I wanted was to close my eyes and get some nap time.

We set the alarm and woke up around 6 a.m. as we had made arrangements to get Sydney by 7 a.m. then meet up with my dad's to go have breakfast at 8:30. I decided I would fore go the shower, I know, pretty gross, to get in another hour of shut eye.

Hey about the shower thing, we had plans after breakfast to go to Las Flores and unlike our trip from 2 weeks ago, it was not raining and so the temperature was at it's normal 100+ degrees with terrible humidity - so seriously I would have been covered in sweat just as soon as I stepped outside - so I was like I'll just wait and shower until I come back and then just chill.

We went to go have breakfast at this hole in the wall restaurant, Diana's Dinner. It belongs to one of my sister's friends. Let me tell you, I'm not much into breakfast food of any kind, and much less from a restaurant, BUT this food was GREAT.

I had me some barbacoa with refried beans and some cooked potatoes. Then to top it off, I had some atole de arroz. Oh my goodness, that stuff was delicious, so much so, I went for seconds, which is a rarity even for me.

We finished with breakfast and headed back home to drop my dad off then headed out towards Las Flores. I really was just going along for the ride as Eva was the one that had some items to buy for some people. We were there maybe a little over an hour then headed back home. Even with driving over the bridge and walking a short distance - the sun and heat were enough to make us want to run home.

We headed out to the house were Sydney and I got dropped off and the rest of the afternoon we took a nap and basically did nothing but just lay around. I was so tired and all I wanted to do way chill which was quite nice for a change.

Eva came back home around 9:30 and we headed back to the hotel to call it a night and get ready for our trip back.

The alarm rang at 5 o'clock this morning and we still slept for like another 30 minutes then decided it was time to go.

Headed out on the road - all the while I rode in the back seat with Sydney per her request by means of signaling to me to sit.

Did some good time back considering some traffic and a brief stop for gas and nutrition.

Now I'm here in my casa. I've already done my rounds with my Dyson - which wasn't bad since the apartment has been tidy the entire week really.

I've got a couple of loads of laundry to do and some ironing I think I'll do as well.

I plan on making it to bed early to get ready again for the rat race of a week that is sure to await me.

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