Tuesday, October 25, 2011

CrossFit - Week 7 - Day 13!


400m run
Foam roll/stretch
Front rack/hip MWOD
10 samson stretches
10 shoulder pass thrus


A1. Thrusters (from 5RM): 5-7x3, 30s rest
**15lb bar with 10lb & 2 1/2 lb weights on each side - total 25lbs +
15lb bar**

A2. Box Jumps (higher box): 5-7x5, 60s rest
**I started with a 12inch box then added a 35lb weight**

WOD: (for time)

21MB push ups (15lb)
42MB squats (15lb)
15MB push ups
30MB squats
9MB push ups
18MB squats

Time: 6:58

Friday, October 21, 2011

CrossFit - Day 12!!!


The Medley
Foam Roll/stretch
10 shoulder pass thru lunges
10 OH Squats (3s hold) with 15lb bar
10 supine scorpions

A1. Turkish Get Ups (Introduce Movement for Newbies): 3 x 3ea (7-10 High Bridge Raises, Adv. Only), 30s rest (with 15lb KB)

A2. Pistols (Introduce Movement for Newbies): 1 x 10ea warm-up; (To Low Target: 3 x 7e), 30s rest

WOD: For Time
20 Pull Ups (ring rows for women)
200m Run
20 Wall Ball Shots (KB squats with 35lb KB)
400m Run
20 Wall Ball Shots
200m Run
20 Pull Ups

Time: 9:50

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

CrossFit Day 11!


Pole shuffle
Foam roll/stretch
Shoulder MWOD
10 hindu push ups
10 prone scorpions

A1. KB Swings: 3×12 (Russian), 3×8 (American), 15s rest (with 12kg KB)
A2. Double Unders: 6 x 15-20, 45s rest

WOD: AMRAP in 5 Minutes
400m Run
KB Cleans (20kg, 32kg)

Our WOD today consisted of running the 400m run and then coming in with the remainder of the 5 minutes to see how many KB Cleans we could do. My total was 17.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

State Fair of Texas Celebrating 125 Years!!!

This year unlike other years, I did not take Sydney to the State Fair during the off days from school which usually fall on Monday & Tuesday. Instead, we decided to make the trek down to Fair Park this afternoon.

As soon as we got off of the car, I thought we would soon be getting back on it and heading back home. You see, the $1 sandals I had bought Sydney at the $.99 cent store last week, decided its dollar's worth was over right in the parking lot and her left flip flop died.

The next 30-45 minutes would prove to be trying of all three of our patience. Frank decided to put Sydney on his shoulders while we made the trek through the fair grounds in search of some replacement flip flops for Sydney. We made a pit stop to see a Ronald McDonald magic show of sorts and Sydney decided to throw a temper tantrum there that quickly got us moving back on track in search of some shoes before calling it a quick day at the fair.

We walked into one show room and had no luck there so on went Sydney on Frank's shoulders again, then we caught sight of another showroom and headed in there. We thought we had struck gold when we spotted a little stand with collegiate slippers only to discover that they were only in adult size...we continued with hopes still high and right on the left hand corner was a stand of Justin products, yes, the cowboy gear Justin boots stuff that had a $20 sale of flip flops. I quickly started trying on the different sizes to see if we would find one that fit for Sydney and luckily the medium size one ended up being the perfect cinderella fit. I handed the cashier my debit card and off we went after $22.00 with a star-studded brown Justin pair of flip flops.

Thanks to the life saver of that corner Justin brand store shop and the sweet & very happy cashier, the rest of our visit to the fair went off without a hitch. We enjoyed a corny dog, a turkey leg, some lemonade, a coke and to finish off the day and our tickets, a funnel cake.

Pictures will come tomorrow as I forgot my external memory drive at work.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Commitment Challenge - 30 Day WOD OFF!!!

I scheduled my appointment to meet with Mr. Selders to do my 30 day measurements and WOD since I won't be able to go tomorrow morning as scheduled.

I must admit I was very nervous about the whole thing and that is probably because I am my own worst critic. I made a huge mistake which was not bringing my journal to the class but luckily he forgave me and did not make me do burpees. This is what he designated as our WOD (for time, of course) for today.

3 Rounds for time:

200m Sprint
30 Sit Ups
15 Deadlifts (modified version using the 16kg (35lb) kettlebells)

I swear this took everything out of me but I pushed myself until I finished and well, because I did not know my time from the previous workout, I had no clue how well I did but I quickly found out.

We did this very exact workout on the first day of class exactly 1 month ago on September 14th and my time that day was 14:20.

My awesome time today ended up being 10:26!!!!!! I am so happy at the results of my workout - obviously something is being done right.

Here are the rest of my measurements. I was not to thrilled that I lost 1 lb of lean mass but I'll just have to figure that out and go from here.

These are my numbers from before (8-25-11) to after (10-14-11).

149.5lbs - 146.5lbs

Body Fat:
31.1% - 30.4%

Fat Mass:
46.5 - 44.5

Lean Mass:
103 - 102


39 - 38

Right Arm:
11.5 - 11.5

37.75 - 34.5

40.5 - 40

Right Thigh:
21 - 22.

I know the next 30 days of CrossFit will be just as fun but probably more intense and demanding, but regardless, I am looking forward to it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

CrossFit - Day 10! Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.


400m run
Foam roll/stretch
Hip/shoulder MWOD
10 samson stretch
10 shoulder pass thrus


A1. OH Squats (6s hold): 3-4x5-7, 30s rest
A2. Kipping (butterfly): swings: 3-4x10-15, 30s rest


400m run
45 thrusters (15# bar)
15 burpees
45 thrusters
400m run

Time: 16:11

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

CrossFit - Day 9...different hour...same commitment!!!


Pole shuffle
Foam roll/stretch
Shoulder MWOD
10 shoulder press thrus
10 OH squats (3s hold)

A1. Standing Press (60% 1RM): 3-4 x 10-12 (2 Warm-Up Sets, then Touch and Go), 30s Rest
A2. Planks, 4 x 60s Holds, 45s Rest

WOD: “Stan” 21-15-9
Pull Ups
KB Swings (16kg)
Double Unders (5:1)
**Modified version of single jump rope**

Friday, October 7, 2011

Pre-Game Pep Rally (TX-OU Red River Rivalry)

For the last couple of years I have been going to Richardson High School on the Friday before the TX-OU game to watch the Longhorn band practice for their half-time show at the game.

This year thanks to Facebook and subscribing to the Co-Op store's FB page, I found out that they would be hosting a mini pep-rally with the Longhorn Band and even Bevo.

I decided to request half a day off from work and headed out to NorthPark mall right as soon as noon came around.

The Pep Rally was a total success...there is nothing like the Longhorn Band to get a crowd in the spirit.

CrossFit - Day 8...and still going strong!!!


200m run
Foam/roll stretch
Shoulder MWOD
10 hand walkouts & push ups
10 prone scorpions

A1. Parallette Work: Tuck, L-Sits, 20s Holds x 5, 10s Rest
A2. Hollow Holds/Rocks, 20s Holds (or 30 Rocks) x 5, 30s Rest

WOD: For Time
400m Run
50 DB Floor Presses (25#, 45#)
40 AbMat Situps
30 Squats
20 Renegade Rows (25#, 45#)
10 Burpees
400m Run

Time: 18:53