Monday, April 11, 2011

Insanity Fit Test!

I began doing Insanity 15 days ago. The very first day I had to do a Fit Test. This basically consists of 8 different workouts and the goal is to do as many sets of each in 1 minute.

The whole Insanity Program lasts 60 days and every 15 days you are instructed to do the Fit Test. The goal here is to hopefully see some major improvement in the amount of reps you can do as you have done Insanity more.

Here are my stats to report as of now: (03-28-11 - 04-11-11)

Exercise Fit Test 1 (Day 1) Fit Test 2 (Day 15)

Switch Kicks 45 48 (+3)
Power Jacks 36 45 (+9)
Power Knees 60 75 (+15)
Power Jumps 30 32 (+2)
Globe Jumps 6 12 (+6)
Suicide Jumps 13 15 (+2)
Push-Up Jacks 14 22 (+8)
Low Plank Oblique 22 19 (-3)

Overall I think I did pretty fantastic. I am very impressed with myself and how I have found the motivation to stick with this even when it has been so hard at times because of everything else I have going on. Not to mention, it is of course much easier to just sit down and start muching on junk food and watch t.v. instead of making the time to work out, even with a little bit of sacrifice.

I know I have the willpower to scrape away little by little at my goal.

Until next time.

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