Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mr. & Mrs. Erik Martinez!

Who would've thought that this day would finally come that I would see my niece Ruth become a married woman? Well, today was that day.

Erik & Ruth became a married couple through Justice of the Peace Gerry Cooper in Garland, TX at approximately 2:45 p.m.

It almost seems like yesterday when Erica & I (well, maybe more me than her) were playing cruel jokes on Ruth or when I beat her to the purchase of that clown she wanted from the neighbor's garage sale for $.25.

Though I still see her as that little kid, she is all grown up now.

Just want to say that I wish you the best. May God bless your marriage.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Last Day of Tutoring at Northlake Elementary!

Today I wrapped up my third year of tutoring at Northlake Elementary. My 4th grade student this year is named Jose Medlin.

He moved to the United States this past summer from Mexico. When I first met Jose in November, he was very shy and quiet but I could see that he was a very intelligent kid.

It blew me by surprise as well to see what manners he had. He is a very respectful young boy. Every Tuesday, I would get him from class and we would go to the library and sit there and work on his assignments from 11:00 - 11:45. Unlike other years, I only had him to tutor and not two different students.

Though it seems like only a few weeks have gone by, today wrapped up 5 monts since we first started tutoring. We never got to practice his English all that much but from his motivation and knowledge, I know that Jose will go very far.

I know he will never read this blog, but I just want to say thank you Jose for making my tutoring experience that much more fun this year. You were a lot of fun to learn with.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Insanity Fit Test!

I began doing Insanity 15 days ago. The very first day I had to do a Fit Test. This basically consists of 8 different workouts and the goal is to do as many sets of each in 1 minute.

The whole Insanity Program lasts 60 days and every 15 days you are instructed to do the Fit Test. The goal here is to hopefully see some major improvement in the amount of reps you can do as you have done Insanity more.

Here are my stats to report as of now: (03-28-11 - 04-11-11)

Exercise Fit Test 1 (Day 1) Fit Test 2 (Day 15)

Switch Kicks 45 48 (+3)
Power Jacks 36 45 (+9)
Power Knees 60 75 (+15)
Power Jumps 30 32 (+2)
Globe Jumps 6 12 (+6)
Suicide Jumps 13 15 (+2)
Push-Up Jacks 14 22 (+8)
Low Plank Oblique 22 19 (-3)

Overall I think I did pretty fantastic. I am very impressed with myself and how I have found the motivation to stick with this even when it has been so hard at times because of everything else I have going on. Not to mention, it is of course much easier to just sit down and start muching on junk food and watch t.v. instead of making the time to work out, even with a little bit of sacrifice.

I know I have the willpower to scrape away little by little at my goal.

Until next time.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Especially Needed Easter Egg Hunt & More Bluebonnets!

Wow!!! What another great and acomplished week I've had. I survived my second week of Insanity with tonight being especially hardest since I did two workouts with the second being abs. I am inching little by little to my goal. I realize it might take more than 60 days to get this down, but if I keep up the pace I have now, I will eventually get it.

On another note, Frank, Sydney & I went out to The Fields at Craig Ranch in McKinney for another Easter egg hunt that I had signed up Sydney for. It took us a little bit to locate the park but we finally found it.


The setup for this hunt was similar to the one we went to last week at Audubon, but the hunt was concentrated to one big field that was split up into sections. Here they also had live bunnies and several bounce houses with what looked to be the same Easter bunny strolling around taking pictures with the willing kids...of course, Sydney would have no part with Mr. Bunny.

The hunt was pretty successful. Afterwards we headed to Mesquite and had some dinner at The Jalapeno Tree. I had never been there before but Frank went last week when he was at the fishing tournament and ready liked it so we went to try it out.

On the way back home, we stopped at the bluebonnets, as I still wanted my very own pictures in them before they go away for the season. Frank took a couple of just me and then of course I had to get some with Sydney. Being that there is never a dull moment with that kid, she managed to knock me to the ground and back we went. It was pretty funny.

Now I am here catching up on my blog trying not to slack off like I did before. I really do enjoy keeping this up and though it may serve for nothing else, I hope that one day it will be a good way to look back at some great memories I've developed along the way.

Until the next post....

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Insanity & Fun Filled Weekend!

I am proud to say that I survived the first week of Insanity by Beach Body. As the name implies, these workout videos are insane...they are hardcore and very challenging.

Though I did not completely believe that I would be able to do this thing for a whole week after the first workout, I am so glad I was able to stick with it...I am very proud of myself.

Here is a breakdown of the workouts I did this past week:

Monday: Dig Deeper & Fit Test
Tuesday: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Wednesday: Cardio Power & Resistance
Thursday: Cardio Recovery
Friday: Pure Cardio
Saturday: Plyometric Cardio Circuit.
Sunday: No day!!!!

This entire exercise program is scheduled for 60 days. I hope to be able to reveal to myself how tough I am by the time this is done and over with.


On another note, Sydney & I went out to the 2011 Special Needs Easter Egg Hunt at the Jerry Carter Softball complex. The days activities were scheduled from 1:00-4:00 with the easter egg hunt beginning at 2:30. We arrived and signed in and got our hot dog and drink. Sydney didn't have to do much with food, as her greatest motivation was the assortment of bounce houses that had been set up.

I finally let her go on one and was surpised at how well she did without much assistance. You see, the bounce house was set up somewhat like a obstacle course, and the very first thing she had to do was climb a tube looking thing.

The time finally arrived and we headed toward the field. You should have seen the was covered in eggs. Sydney was very excited. We didn't have to use out extra bag as she was able to fit all of them in her basket. I'm lucky she gathered what she did...all she kept doing was saying, "mama, egg," acknowleding they were there and walking right past them.

Though there was quite a bit of kids, the hunt lasted a good 10 minutes. Afterwards, I got some pictures of Syndey's stash. Speaking of pictures, today was also the day I took some time to head out to the random fields of bluebonnets and capture some awesome pictures of Sydney and the bluebonnests. Considering the long day we had, Sydney did really great in being a good sport to her "momma," that is picture crazy.

Well, that is it for now. I will continue to post ocassionally random occurrences and everyonce in a while hope to put up something showing how much progress i have made.

Until the next post.....