Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Tyler Azalea 10K

What a morning this has been. I just got back from Tyler from running in my second ever 10K. I am physically exhausted but oddly enough, I have a surge of energy from God knows where.

We arrived at Roseland Plantation last night around 8 p.m. and looked around a little bit. By 9:30 it was lights out as we were getting up at 5:45 to head towards Berger Park which is where the race would be at.

We didn't have such a difficult time getting the kids up and found the park pretty easily.

We got our bibs and before we knew it, it was time for the kids to do the 50 yard dash. Sydney, being the little runner she is, was loving all the attention. I do believe she had a great time. She even got a medal (which we didn't), for all her hard work.

8 o'clock quickly rolled around and it was time for Erica & I to take our places to begin our race which was exactly 6.2 miles. The weather was absolutely gorgeous...nothing compared to last year's race where it was super hot.

If you will recall from my last post, my left ankle was not doing so great as I injured it while doing Zumba yesterday morning. Liz gave me some Ibuprofen gel to put on it last night and it definitely helped a lot this morning.

I am proud to say even with a bad ankle and all, I was able to run close to 4.5 miles without stopping. The course was a little bit interesting versus the one from last year. I don't know if the race people were trying to play with us, but if I figured it out correctly, they only had mile markers for every two miles. That was a bit frusterating as I didn't even notice the first mile one and had no clue how I was doing.

Anyhow, I did make note of the 4 mile one and let me tell you right after the marker for that one we went up this hill on Roberson Lane that lasted 4 blocks (this I confirmed with the race peeps)....that hill just about did me in. It was so hard....I finally had to give in and walk a little...by then I was getting chills, seeing stars and my ankle was starting to bother me a whole lot.

When I thought it would never end, the street finally leveled out and though I did not think I was going to make it, I was able to finish in about 1:12:30 (?)....that is roughly 6 minutes better than last year's race. I was very proud of myself.

Erica did really good, too. She was just inches behind me (that is because I sped up too, because I didn't want her to beat me)..she beat last year's time by about 16 minutes....way to go Erica.

We rested for a couple of minutes and before heading back to Dallas, stopped again for a little bit to visit with Christina at Roseland. She had previously told me to make and effort to stop back and she would show us to the surprise room.

I am so glad we did. She took us to this shed looking building that has a canvass of the picture of the last supper on it. She explained to us briefly that the lady that used to own Roseland had several artists come in from Rome about 50 years ago and do a replica of that painting. She said it is painted on three different parts and it took them about 1 year to complete.

This was totally breathtaking. The picture and what it represents is just beautiful. (So glad we did stop)

After that we finally headed home and here I am doing what I promised myself I would do, and putting down my memorable event so that I will never forget this day.

Here are some of the pictures from the last two days. Hope you all enjoy.

Roseland at night.

Liz, Rebecca, Tyler & Sydney chilling outside of Roseland.

This was my bib for this years race.

Like mother like daughter - Sydney & I ready to go!

** For some reason I have been having problems for the past couple of days uploading pictures, so I am going to go ahead and just post this blog and try again later.**


I got the official results from the race and here are my standings:

Finished race = 1:12:26:12
505 out of 660 (overall)
46 out of 56 (age group)

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