Friday, March 25, 2011

It's Zumba time!

I suppose if I really wanted to I could make the effort to go into one of the local rec centers or even my gym and do the Zumba classes there, but since I don't want to make the time (the very little I already have), I decided to purchase the DVD's and try it for myself at home.

I did the basic cd yesterday afternoon at home and pretty much discovered what I already knew..I have no coordination whatsoever. It doesn't help either that I have to left feet when it comes to dancing and just even the thought of doing so makes me get all tensed up.

Either way, I tried my best and for the most part did get most of the moves down. I woke up this morning all energized and decided I would attempt Zumba again and though the instruction book says to do the basic dvd again on the second day, I decided I would jump into the next cd which is a 20 minute workout. I am sure that maybe when I get to the third cd, I will regret not doing the first cd with the moves but that is okay.

I managed to survive the 20 minute workout and actually broke a sweat and felt really refreshed afterwards, the only bad part is that I think I might have twisted my left ankle. I hope it's not too bad as I am actually headed out this afternoon to Tyler for the Tyler Azalea 10K in the morning.

The place where the race will be held at is somewhat like an arboretum...there are a ton of flowers, hence the name of the race Azalea.

Isn't this place just absolutely gorgeous?!?

Well, it is but the place we will be staying for the night so we don't have to wake up at the crack of dawn and drive to Tyler, is by far prettier. A million thanks to Christina, Jennifer and her dad for allowing us to stay the night at their breath-taking bed and breakfast.

We will be leaving shortly and I hope my next post is detailing the awesomeness of tomorrow's 2nd in case you are keeping track.

Roseland Plantation (Ben Wheeler, TX)

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