Sunday, October 2, 2011

Painting With A Twist - Halloween

As a kind of last minute idea, I signed up to take Sydney to Painting With A Twist to see if we could master the painting for the session of Halloween which consisted of a black cat standing on pumpkins.

From pictures I have seen online, it looks like all sorts of normal people young and old can paint just about any drawing, I decided we'd give it a shot.

We showed up 30 minutes early and had a chance to check out the studio and get some pictures of some of the neat paintings they offer. While already there, I was still a bit incredulous that we could make our painting come to life all on our own.

The class promptly began at 3:00 p.m. and the adventure with it. Everything was calculated including breaks to allow the painting to dry before continuing on with the picture.

There was a brief moment right at the start of class that Syndey got a little upset because she did not understand why we had to set our first thick brush down to get the next size brush to continue the artpiece...after that, everything went off without much trouble.

I do think I have found my next favorite thing to do. Here are some pictures of our little artistic adventure.

Our class!

This is what the final painting should look like.

I'm ready to paint.

Blank canvass.

Las reglas!

The colors we used to make our artpiece come alive!

Let the painting is our first coat of color.

The beginning phase of the pumpkins.

Our black "scary" cat.

And here comes the bats (the hardest to make of the entire painting).

Bringing our cat to life with some yellow outline.

Now the pumpkins start coming alive.

Adding the finishing touches with the black background.

Drying off her artpiece.

My little artist with her work of art!

Sydney & Ms. Kara Jo, our instructor.

So proud of Sydney!

The rest of the class!!!

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