Friday, October 14, 2011

Commitment Challenge - 30 Day WOD OFF!!!

I scheduled my appointment to meet with Mr. Selders to do my 30 day measurements and WOD since I won't be able to go tomorrow morning as scheduled.

I must admit I was very nervous about the whole thing and that is probably because I am my own worst critic. I made a huge mistake which was not bringing my journal to the class but luckily he forgave me and did not make me do burpees. This is what he designated as our WOD (for time, of course) for today.

3 Rounds for time:

200m Sprint
30 Sit Ups
15 Deadlifts (modified version using the 16kg (35lb) kettlebells)

I swear this took everything out of me but I pushed myself until I finished and well, because I did not know my time from the previous workout, I had no clue how well I did but I quickly found out.

We did this very exact workout on the first day of class exactly 1 month ago on September 14th and my time that day was 14:20.

My awesome time today ended up being 10:26!!!!!! I am so happy at the results of my workout - obviously something is being done right.

Here are the rest of my measurements. I was not to thrilled that I lost 1 lb of lean mass but I'll just have to figure that out and go from here.

These are my numbers from before (8-25-11) to after (10-14-11).

149.5lbs - 146.5lbs

Body Fat:
31.1% - 30.4%

Fat Mass:
46.5 - 44.5

Lean Mass:
103 - 102


39 - 38

Right Arm:
11.5 - 11.5

37.75 - 34.5

40.5 - 40

Right Thigh:
21 - 22.

I know the next 30 days of CrossFit will be just as fun but probably more intense and demanding, but regardless, I am looking forward to it.

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