Friday, August 14, 2009

Ricardo Arjona - 5to Piso!

Well, what do you know. Tonight I went to my 4th concert this year so far and like all the other 3, this one did not let down. In fact, it set the bar at a much higher standard for great concerts.

Unlike the last 3 I've gone to which have been English groups or solo artist, this one was the first Spanish singer. Ricardo Arjona is from Guatemala but speaks Spanish.

I dragged Erica along with me this time. I say dragged but if you ask her I think after going to the concert, she would have gone willingly all over again. It was that good of a show. I'm not even joking around people.

We had no clue whether he would have an opening band but quicly figured out that he could not possible have one, as the stage that was set up, took up almost everything and Erica and I figured there was no way another group could set up their stuff in the middle of all that was propped up.

8:30 came around and we were not wrong.....Ricardo Arjona took the stage.

For the next 2 1/2 hours, it was nothing but great music with plenty of laughter in between and even some tears from peopel in the crowd.

I can't put into words how great of a concert this was. Only thing I can say is if you know Spanish and want to listen to some good live music, next time this man comes around, GO SEE HIM! You will not be disappointed.

Of all the concerts I've gone to, this is the most I've paid for a ticket and it was worth every single penny!

Not that I needed a reminder for this, but my phone never fails me my reminder that I had scheduled almost 8 months before!

The stage!

The rest of the pictures will be of the man himself, RICARDO ARJONA!!!!!!!!

This was actually part of a video!

Now, in my personal opinion, he is not the most handsome man out there...but there is just something about him and the music he writes that makes him awesome!

Finished for the night!

Erica & I!

Here is some of the great music I was able to record!








I started to record this song and my memory ran out so unfortunately was not able to record the entire song!

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