Over the past 3 weeks, there have been several happenings that I hadn't had a chance to post but nonetheless have pictures to document with.
I'll be brief again, as I have pictures to post that I know might be more interesting than listening to me ramble away.
Here are the 3 happenings:
(1) My dad came to visit from the valley the weekend of the 1st;
(2) My nephew, Jacob, was born on the 3rd making me an aunt for the 12th time!;
(3) Celebrated Liz's 40th birthday on the 8th...gosh she is getting old! :)
This is my dad with all his children minus Andy! (L-R) Albert, Americo, Dad, Liz, Eva, me, Erica and in the front Abram.
The oldest (Americo) & youngest (Abram) child.
The boys!
The girls!
Trying to get Jacob to take his pacy!
Proud aunt & Jacob!
He's a big boy!
Close up!
Here is a brief note about the following pictures. I thought it would be a good idea to write all over Liz's truck to make sure she didn't forget how old she was turning. Being that I am an early bird, I headed over to her place around 7:15 on Saturday (8/8) morning and proceeded to write all over it. I got all this off without incident though I have to mention that I almost set off her alarm from moving all over her hood to write on her windshield. I also almost thought I would get a ticket from a Sachse cop that happened to drive around the apartment. I don't think it's illegal, but for a minute I thought I would get in trouble for doing this.
The windshield.
Passenger side! This was also on the driver's side!
Back window!
Driver's side rear-view mirror! As you can see, even at 7:15 in the morning, I can get a little creative!
And well, a little evil!
El pastel! It was marble flavor and very yummy in case you were wondering!
The gifts & cake table...decorations courtesy of muah!
This was all Melissa's idea!
Liz & I!
The brother & sisters!
Liz and her girls, Ruth & Rebecca!
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