Friday, April 17, 2009

Farewell Plano!

This week has been especially hard for me in coming to terms that I was leaving my part-time job where I've been for the past year and a half. Some hours it was better than others in that I'd say to myself that maybe there was a way, probably not humanly possible, that I could work my 20 hours in 2 days. My ideas got so crazy that I even contemplated working from Friday night's between midnight and 10 a.m. and doing the same on Sundays.

Well, I finally came to the realization that it just wasn't going to work. As much as I hated it, it was time to say goodbye to Plano and my obsession to accidents and a little hatred toward TXDOT and their obsession with "accident perfection."

I arrived in Plano on Tuesday evening, April 14th, with a Sonic meal in hand. Now I must explain, on any other given day, I don't ever, and I do mean EVER, bring food to eat for dinner. I would have to pick this day out of all others to do so, but let me explain why (it really matters). I had my braces tightened that morning and was not able to eat lunch so I was starving for some food by the time 5:30 rolled around.

So I get to Plano and Ms. Virginia happens to be walking by my desk and takes my dinner and I'm up in arms asking what on earth is going on and why is she walking off with my grub. She was like you aren't supposed to have this and my response, "Uh huh, especially because I'm starving." She kindly gives it back to me and I go about my merry business eating my dinner and working on my accidents.

Around I guess 7:30 or so, Ms. Jill interrupts my Tejano jamming session (I was listening to 107.5 San Antonio Tejano station via Univision Radio), and tells me to come with her - she said something like I had to see something.

Well this little fool is not so dumb and it took me a short 2 seconds once we left my desk to realize that my co-workers were up to no good. I stop short in my tracks and Ms. Jill is janking me to come around the corner that I did not want to turn.

I finally do and come upon a table full of food and let me tell you, it was covered with yummy food. I get greeted by Ms. Michelle presenting me with my very own Princess Tiara. The best part of that, because of course, I ain't no beauty queen, was the "extras" on it. Leave it only to Ms. Michelle to come up with this bright idea - she put 2 little carritos (cars) facing each other to make them look like they were crashing. I was placed the "Accident Queen" crown in honor of my obsession with crash reports. At first I did not think that crown would hold, as it was quite heavy with those little cars, but I managed to keep it on, all for the fun and pictures. Besides being a good sport, I have to admit (as crazy as this may sound), that I am obsessed to the end with crash reports - hands down I can tell you with my eyes closed what all is on one and where.

We finally got through having our moments to laugh and enjoy the good time and started enjoying some of the great food that was there. Gosh and don't kill me because I don't know the names to some of the stuff we had, but here's a run down: chicken wings from none other than Wingstop, a fruit tray, chips, fries, spinach dip, cheese ball, strawberries (with chocolate), pumpkin pie (my favorite) and where they found it, I've no clue considering it ain't Thanksgiving...anyways there was a ton of food.

I was also presented with a dozen beautiful pink roses and a very nice going away card that was signed by my co-workers. I can't tell you, well I can, just how great a group that is to work with.

I've always said that you couldn't find a better part time job than the one I had. Although there was always work to throw to heaven and back or as my Jill likes to put it "job security," it was so, so nice to be able to come in at basically anytime you wanted, do your work, get your hours and get a nice paycheck that went a long way. Hands down, Plano Records is the best place to work.

Trust me, after a full 8 hour day in Garland, if it had not been that awesome, I would have left there a long time ago. It was just that easy to leave one great job and go to another, even if it meant giving up some things.

I will truly and sincerely miss everything and everyone in Plano. It is by far the best part-time job ever.

"The Gang" From the back row (l-r): Ms. Michelle, Ms. Janet, Ms. Anne, & Ms. Debbie. On the front row (l-r): Ms. Jill, me, Eva, & Ms. Virginia. Missing in the pictures are my two other co-workers, Ms. Shannon and Ms. Donita.

My beautiful pink dozen roses. Just gorgeous.

Eva & I. I guess I won't be seeing much of her anymore. Sadly because of work, that's basically when I got to see her. :(

Displaying my beautiful crown, very proudly.

Ms. Michelle made this cute princess tiara for me in honor of my love for accidents. I was unofficially dubbed the "Accident Queen."

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