Tuesday, September 20, 2011

CrossFit - Day 3


400m run
Foam roll/stretch
Shoulder MWOD
10 OH Squats (3s hold)

There is weight being used in this picture and I did not use weight for my routine.

15 shoulder pass thrus


A1. Ring work (work position): 5x30s, 10s rest (Performed with 1 inch band)

A2. Hollow (holds/rocks): 5x20s (or 30 rocks), 60s rest

WOD: 4 rounds for time (15 minute time limit)

200m sprint
15 deadlifts (35lb kettle ball)
15 burpees

**I completed 3 sets and was able to run the 200m sprint to start the 4th set**

This was definitely an INSANE workout...it beat the crap out of me. I have not been feeling too good health wise but I went in and gave it my best. I will more than likely need to "roll out" my soreness in lots of spots come Thursday. :)


I went running after work at Holford...ran a little over two miles in 25 minutes, give or take.

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