Saturday, April 2, 2011

Insanity & Fun Filled Weekend!

I am proud to say that I survived the first week of Insanity by Beach Body. As the name implies, these workout videos are insane...they are hardcore and very challenging.

Though I did not completely believe that I would be able to do this thing for a whole week after the first workout, I am so glad I was able to stick with it...I am very proud of myself.

Here is a breakdown of the workouts I did this past week:

Monday: Dig Deeper & Fit Test
Tuesday: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Wednesday: Cardio Power & Resistance
Thursday: Cardio Recovery
Friday: Pure Cardio
Saturday: Plyometric Cardio Circuit.
Sunday: No day!!!!

This entire exercise program is scheduled for 60 days. I hope to be able to reveal to myself how tough I am by the time this is done and over with.


On another note, Sydney & I went out to the 2011 Special Needs Easter Egg Hunt at the Jerry Carter Softball complex. The days activities were scheduled from 1:00-4:00 with the easter egg hunt beginning at 2:30. We arrived and signed in and got our hot dog and drink. Sydney didn't have to do much with food, as her greatest motivation was the assortment of bounce houses that had been set up.

I finally let her go on one and was surpised at how well she did without much assistance. You see, the bounce house was set up somewhat like a obstacle course, and the very first thing she had to do was climb a tube looking thing.

The time finally arrived and we headed toward the field. You should have seen the was covered in eggs. Sydney was very excited. We didn't have to use out extra bag as she was able to fit all of them in her basket. I'm lucky she gathered what she did...all she kept doing was saying, "mama, egg," acknowleding they were there and walking right past them.

Though there was quite a bit of kids, the hunt lasted a good 10 minutes. Afterwards, I got some pictures of Syndey's stash. Speaking of pictures, today was also the day I took some time to head out to the random fields of bluebonnets and capture some awesome pictures of Sydney and the bluebonnests. Considering the long day we had, Sydney did really great in being a good sport to her "momma," that is picture crazy.

Well, that is it for now. I will continue to post ocassionally random occurrences and everyonce in a while hope to put up something showing how much progress i have made.

Until the next post.....

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