Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day Number 8 & Still Going......

kind of like the energizer bunny!

Seriously, that kid's energy has no end in sight. I'm surprised that I've survived this long.

The afternoon Texas heat, mind you, is something else when you are only a spectator and not in the water yourself.

Here's to another fun day at the pool.

If only everything else that involved learning was this fun!

Another day of wrapping ourselves with the beach towel!

She hasn't lost her cool, but boy is she impatient - here she is pacing up and down the entrance to the pool!

Some days I just wonder what goes through her head!?!

Coming up from under the water!

It's over, again!

I know the procedure...step out of the pool without too many problems!

Yes Ms. Supervisor, you're all smiles because you get to stick around here longer and I'm having to abandon the water!

Hola mom & dad! I see you!

Getting ready to go!

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