Thursday, May 21, 2009

Midnight Run To See King Tut!

The mask of the face of King Tut. This no longer leaves Egypt as it is too fragile to travel.

Just a little recap before I go on with my story. The King Tut exhibit had been at the Dallas Museum of Art since October 2008 and this past weekend (5-16 - 5-17) was the last weekend.

In honor of that and because the turnout was not as had been expected (600,00 visitors as opposed to the 1 million they predicted), I guess the organizers of the event decided to pull a 36-hour marathon - let me explain. The regular hours of operation ended around 8 p.m. or so and what Friday night and Saturday night would would be a midnight run of tours - 12 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. for half price ($16.50).

I heard this on the radio and read it on the news somewhere and thought well what a fun thing to do - watch King Tut at midnight - how cool is that. Well, once I shared this with my sisters, and some friends, they thought I was psycho for sure! I managed to make others be psycho with me as I kept getting told that I could still get killed for free downtown at the Arts District - so around 11:45 on Saturday night, we headed out towards the Dallas Museum of Art to catch a glimpse of the exhibit. Oh and before I continue, I did call Ticketmaster and confirmed with them that advance purchase would not be necessary as tickets would be sold at the box office and you would be able to go in right after.

After getting a little lost in ghettoville, we found some parking only to realize that as my sister and friend said, "I was not the ONLY CRAZY PERSON!!!!!"

I'm telling you people, there was a line that stretched almost an entire block. We got in line only to hear through a blaring microphone a couple of minutes later that the tickets that were being sold at that moment would be for the 4:00 a.m. showing. I don't know if I was more confused about what was going on or just didn't want to believe it, as we still stood in line (my doing of course) and walked right up to the ticket booth only to walk away from it with no tickets. My accompanying guests didn't really look like they wanted to hang around until 4 a.m. even though it was already 1:30 - what was a couple of more hours, right?

Well based on the disappointed faces I was looking at, I decided we'd head back home. Sunday would be the last day the exhibit would be open and if I wanted to come, I'd have to pay the full price $32.50, but I was determined to see the exhibit and walked away knowing that somehow I'd be back in a couple of hours.

I went home and because I was so wired, stayed up 'till 6:00 a.m. on Sunday morning all the while trying to figure out a way to go back and see the exhibit later that day. I finally went to bed and slept until around 10:30 and decided to call Ticketmaster, AGAIN!

The young lady told me that no tickets were being sold in advance and that I'd have to purchase them at the box office - she assured me that I would get in. I asked Frank if he'd be interested in going and we decided we would go and drag Sydney along and see if she'd pass for a 5 year old to get in for free instead of pay the $16.50 that would cost to get her in. We decided it might be a better idea to go to the last showing and maybe we wouldn't be so rushed through the exhibit - as that's what I was reading on the DMN blogs and comment sections.

This is Kraft's Miracle Whip new advertising campaign. After the bad night I'd had that night, I thought it was the funniest thing seeing these signs - and they just seemed to be ALL over the place. I've adopted this as my new slogan, "Don't Be So Mayo!" It's just another way I'll suggest that when life throws lemons your way, grab a little ice and some sugar and make some lemonade people!!!!!!!

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