Sunday, October 19, 2008

State Fair 2008

Well, we finally made it out to the State Fair on Friday night (10/17). Frank, Sydney, Liz, Rebecca and I had to deal with a bit of traffic and find numerous ways how to avoid I30, but we finally made it.

Upon arrival to the fair, I unfortunately discovered that my camera had absolutely no battery left. Thanks to me lending my camera to my niece Ruth and she not being considerate enough to bringing it back to me so I could charge it, I was disappointingly enough stuck at the fair of all places without a chance to take ANY pictures. Oh well, maybe next year!

Anyways, we did have fun though. Ate some funnel cake, had a corn dog, a couple of french fries I took from Rebecca and even half of a chicken gordita that Frank was kind enough to share.

As for rides are concerned, Frank and I were going to try and ride this thing somewhat like the Superman, but WAY smaller, and we were headed up to get on the ride when little Ms. Sydney decided to have a coniption - and off we come so that Liz wouldn't have to deal with her and being strewn all over the ground. So much for that.

Sydney, Frank and Rebecca got on this slide type ride. Basically you get in a sack and come down this HUGE slide with maybe like 6 little hills. They all said it was pretty fun.

Anyways, wish I had more pics to share, but of the 2 I took, one being of the famous ferris wheel, which mind you costs 12 tickets per person to ride, and the other, a pic of the group in front of the little dog looking statue from the King Tut exhibition, the only good pic was the one of the ferris wheel, so I'll share that one.

Yeay for fried food.

Oh, geesh, I almost just so happened that on Friday night, of all people that could have been performing on the main stage, it was Ms. Blondie herself, Jessica Simpson.

I'll be brief.....that woman CANNOT keep a tune if her life depended on it. I wish I had again my camera to snap some pics of the faces on some people looking in total disbelief and shock at how horrible she was singing. Seriously someone needed to put her out of her misery.

Bet you a million bucks that's what's got our poor quarterback, Tony Romo, all out of whack - crazy woman must sing to him and just disorient him terribly before the last few games....she needs to shew away and quick before she costs me a couple hundred dollars on some bets.

Okay, that's it for the fair. Here is the ONE picture I got!

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